Ch.5: Battery

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"I mean, I don't get it." Began Ellie. "Why doesn't Joel let me have a gun? I could help out there with the infected." "No offense Ellie, but we've been doing good so far." "But that's just it Y/n, what if we go through something like back at the warehouse? What if you and Joel are pinned down and I can't do anything about it?" "Aren't you the one who said not to worry about "if's?" Besides, you don't need to put yourself in harm's way." "I'm a big girl Y/n, I can take care of myself." "I know you can Ellie, it's just..." Y/n paused. "Just what?" She questioned. Y/n sighed. "I just don't want you getting hurt, okay." "Y/n that means a lot, it really does, but have you seen the world out there. It's not that simple." Y/n didn't respond. "It sucks watching you... and Joel do the things you do without me being able to help. Makes me feel useless." "But your not." The boy reassured. "If anything, you're the reason that's keeping me going." The girl was taken aback. "Wow, really?" She blushed lightly. "Yeah." Y/n spoke softly, avoiding Ellie's eyes.

"Hey!" Bill shooted at Ellie who had begun to pick up the books on the table. "What did I say to you when we walked down the steps!?" "I'm just fixing your stupid pile!" Ellie scoffed. "Don't touch!" Ellie flipped him the bird as he and Joel contiued to discuss.

The group were now ready to depart and begin their mission. "Alright, before we go any further. I got something I gotta show ya." Bill lead Joel over to a table. "Watcha got?" "A new toy from the toy box. This... is a nail bomb." Bill handed Joel a can filled with nails. "You gotta be really careful. This thing blows, it shreds anybody standing near by. "So we got shotguns and bombs. The hell are we doin?" Questioned Joel. "Well, every few weeks this military caravan rides through town. I assume they're out there looking for supplies, but you'd be amazed at the shit they overlook. Anyway, a few months back, they were rolling through and get overrun by this horde of infected. They were all over the truck. It plows right into the side of the high school. Still sitting there with the battery in it."

"Wait, if the truck was still on when overrun, wouldn't that mean that the battery would be drained by now?" Y/n theorized. "Shit. Hadn't thought of that." Bill murmured. "It's the newest battery we have in town, could still have a little juice in it." "I guess." "So we take that battery and we put it in another car." Said Joel. "Bingo." Bill agreed. "I wanted to get it, but it seemed too dangerous with all the infected on that part of town. But fuck it, Joel needs a car." "The kid makes a valid point, what if it's damaged." Joel pondered. "Nah, those trunks are like tanks. Just sitting there." "Could be drained." "Look Joel, there isn't any other battery that works, I can guarantee you that. This truck is your best bet." "Alright, alright."

"Kid, I swear to God if you took anything." Bill said to Ellie as he passed by. "Hey man, i don't need any of your shit. Trust me." "Joel, you are keeping an eye on her, right?" "Like a hawk." He responded lazily.

Bill lead the trio up some stairs where they entered what appeared to be a church. "Wow." Ellie muttered. "Nice place you got here." Joel complimented. "Well if you got anything to confess, this'd be the place to do it." Said Bill. "Not like anyone would hear it." Spat Y/n, earning looks from both Ellie and Joel.

"Alright, time to sack up." Bill opened a window and the group climbed out of the church. "Look, there's the school." Bill pointed at a scoreboard that read 'Lincoln High School.' "Ready?" "Let's do it." Answered Y/n as they began their journey.

"Past this gate, it's all new territory to me." Informed Bill as they entered a cemetery behind the church. "Hey, you guys hear that?" Ellie announced as Clicks were heard nearby. Joel pulled out his revolver whilst Y/n took out his new bow. As they turned a corner, they were met with two Clickers roaming nearby. Y/n tapped on Joel's shoulder to get his attention; signaling that they should use their bows to take down the infected. Joel nodded and took out his bow for stealthily kills. The two aimed an arrow at their respective Clicker and released the string. Each arrow impaled the Clicker in the neck, causing them to stagger, after which Joel shot another arrow to kill his whilst Y/n bashed it's head with a single strike from his new bow.

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