Ch.10: Tommy

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"Jackson County. Means we're close to Jackson City, right?" Asked Ellie as she read a sign that read: 'Jackson County Snake River Trail. "Shouldn't be too far now." "Ready to see dear, older brother?" "I'm just ready to get there." Joel responded. "You nervous?" "I don't know what I'm feeling."

"How about you Y/n?" She turned to the boy who shrugged. Joel took notice. "How'd you meet Tommy?" He asked. "He took care of me for 2 years when we were roaming through the Midwest. Taught me almost everything I know actually." Y/n felt his anger rise. "Didn't even leave a note when he left." Joel shook his head. He was anxious about seeing his brother again.

The trio followed a river which Joel said would lead them to Tommy. "What happened between you two that you had to split?" Asked Y/n. "We just had a bit of a disagreement, that's all." "Must've been pretty bad if it drove you away from your own brother." Added Ellie. "What about exactly?" Pondered Y/n. "Tommy saw the world one way. I saw it the other." "And that's why he joined the Fireflies." "Yeah, your friend Marlene promised him hope. That kept him busy for a while, but just like Tommy, he eventually quit that too." "How was it, the last time you saw him?" Ellie asked this time. "I believe his last words to me were: I don't ever want to see your god damned face again." "Jeez. But he's gonna help us?" "I suppose we're gonna find out." "Well, with or without his help, we'll get there."

After walking for a few more minutes, the trio arrived at a dam. "Whoa, what's that?" Ellie gasped. "That right there is a hydroelectric power plant." Answered Joel. "Neat. What exactly is that?" Said Y/n as he scratched his head. "It uh... used the river's movement and turns it into electricity." "How's it do that?" Asked Ellie. "Look, I know what it is, I don't know how it does it."

Joel used a shiv and unlocked the door into the facility. Joel used a crank to close half of the dam, creating a bridge. "Well that only gets us halfway." "Do you think you can reach it?" Joel asked Y/n. "Sure." The teen jumped into the water and swam across. After stepping onto the platform, Y/n turned the crank and completed the bridge.

Joel and Ellie crossed the bridge. "Teamwork." She smiled, raising her hand for a high five. Y/n chuckled and met her hand, creating a satisfying clap. She turned to Joel who simply stared at her. "Don't leave me hanging." The man cracked a small smile and high fived her as well. "Yeah." She muttered gleefully.

Joel approached what looked like a pile of dirt with a cross and teddy bear resting on top. "It's to small be a grave." Joel said to himself. "I forgot to leave that stupid robot on his grave." Ellie cursed to herself. "What should I do with it?" "Ellie..." "What? I want to talk about it." "No." "Why not?" How many times do we need to go over this? This happen... and we move on." Ellie grew a face of anger and turned to Y/n who kept a blank face as he stared off into the distance. "Just keep it." He said. "Okay."

"Ah! I'm so hungry!" Ellie groaned as they continued. "I know. I am too." Joel replied. "You Y/n?" The girl turned to the boy who shrugged. "Not really." "We haven't had a good meal in like 2 days. How are you not hungry? Tell me you secrets!" She said dramatically, causing the boy to laugh.

Joel approached a steel gate and tried to force it open. The sound of guns loading caused the teens to look up at rifles being aimed at them. "Don't even think about reaching for your weapon." Threatened a woman. Ellie quickly drew her gun. "Tell the girl to drop hers. Now!" The woman aimed at Ellie. "Ellie, do as the lady says." Joel backed away from the gate. Ellie reluctantly lowered her gun. Y/n turned to the blonde woman. "You guys got any extra food?" He asked bluntly. "Please tell me you're lost." Said the woman. "We didn't know the place was occupied." Joel answered. "We're just trying to make our way through." "Through to where?"

"They're alright." Said a man's voices as the gate opened. "Wait you know these people?" The woman turned to the man. "I know two of em."

Out stepped a man with shoulder length hair, holding a rifle and sporting a denim jacket. "Tommy." Joel said in surprise. "Holy shit." Tommy walked towards his brother and the two embraced. "How you doin baby brother?" Asked Joel as the two chuckled. "Goddamn." "Yeah." Tommy pulled away, still holding onto his brother's shoulder. "Let me look at you. You got fucking old." The two shared a laugh. "Easy, gonna happen to you too." Remarked Joel.

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