Ch.8: Henry and Sam

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The trio continued their venture forward, until Y/n stopped and took notice of a movie poster. "These are everywhere." Ellie said. Joel turned to the poster which was for a movie named Dawn of the Wolf Part 2. "I saw this right before the outbreak." Said Joel. "You did? Does he totally gut her by the end?" Ellie asked, referring to the wolf man and woman on the poster. "Nobody gets gutted." He chuckled. "It's a dumb teen movie." "You don't seem like the type to enjoy those movies." Y/n commented. Ellie chuckled and turned to Joel."Who dragged you to see it then?" Joel sighed, his mood shifted as well. "I don't know. Let's just stay focused all right?" The teens shared a quick glance. "Lead the way skipper."

"Let's cut through the alley." Said Joel. Not to far away, an engine rumbling sounded close. "It's that fucking truck." Ellie hissed. "It's alright, just keep your head down." The truck had stopped nearby, a team hopped off and began to patrol the area. Joel vaulted through a window and strangled a hunter, allowing them an opportunity to sneak passed the building. The truck noticed their movements and began to shoot at them. "What the fuck are they shooting at us with?" Asked Ellie as they hid behind a wall. "Some kind of military turret." Joel answered. "Just stay down!"

As the truck tried to position itself, the trio quickly fled to a back alley as bullets began to fly overhead. A hunter entered the alley, but was quicky struck down by an arrow shot by Y/n. The onslaught of bullets continued as Y/n and Joel fought off hunters to clear a path. "Through here." Joel lead the teens into a building where they climbed up a fire escape. The truck had stopped shooting and the engine was no longer heard. "I think we lost them." He sighed as they walked across a ledge towards a different building. "Better think again Joel." Said Y/n as the truck pulled up nearby. "We're okay, they can't see us." Joel said as the three hugged the wall as close as possible. After the truck left, they entered through a window where Joel was immediately pulled into a chokehold.

Ellie quickly vaulted through the window and tried to help Joel, but was immediately pushed away. "What the fuck?" The assailant hesitated, allowing Joel to flip the man over. Y/n jumped in and pulled the bow string back. "Y/n, wait!" Ellie rushed over to Joel who was punching the man. "Joel! Stop!" Joel turned to Ellie. "Look." She pointed at a kid pointing a gun at him. "Leave him alone." Said the teen. "Better put that gun down." Y/n threatened, pulling the bowstring tighter. Joel put his hands up in surrender. "Easy, son." Joel walked over to Y/n. "Put the bow down kiddo." "It's alright. They're not the bad guys." The assailant told the teen. "Lower the gun."

Both teens were slow in lowering their weapons, but did so nonetheless. "Man, you hit hard." Coughed the assailant. "Yeah, well I was trying to kill you." "Yeah. I thought you were one of them too. Then I saw you." He pointed at Ellie. "If you haven't noticed, they don't keep kids around. Survival of the fittest." "You're bleeding." Said the teen towards his companion. "It's nothing. I'm Henry. This is Sam. I think I caught your name was Joel?" "Ellie. This is Y/n." "How many are with you?" Joel asked. "They're all dead." Answered Sam. "Hey, we don't know that." Argued Henry. "They were a bunch of us. Someone had the brilliant idea of entering the city. Look for supplies. Those fuckers ambushed us. Scattered us. Now it's all about getting out of this shithole." "We can help each other." "Ellie." Y/n and Joel turned to the girl. "Safety in numbers and all that." "She's right." Henry agreed. "We could help each other." "How do we know we could trust you?" Asked Y/n. "Sam could've shot Joel." "And I could've shot you, you point?" "My point is that it didn't come to that. I called my brother and Joel called off you; you both listened. The fact that we haven't shed any more blood means that we can work something out."

"Your call Joel." Y/n turned to the man. "We got a hideout not to far from here. Be safer if we chat there." Joel turned to the teens and sighed. "Alright, take us there." "Follow me." The two adults took the lead. "Sorry about the whole gun thing." Sam apologized. "Don't worry." Said Ellie. "I would've probably done the same thing. Where are from?" "All the way from Hartford." "Really? I heard some bad stuff going on down there." "Yeah. The military abandoned the zone. It's why we left. Place probably looks like this by now." Sam glanced at Y/n. "You two related or something?" "Us? No." "Ah, boyfriend and girlfriend?" Ellie blushed. "N-No. Just... friends." Ellie glanced at Y/n who had his eyes locked on Henry and Joel up ahead.

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