Ch.4: Lincoln, Massachusetts

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"Mandatory evacuation." Ellie read a sign in the middled of the road. "Evacuate to where?" "Where you think?" Joel asked rhetoricaly. "Quarantine zone. See, some places got a head's up before the infection showed up. Most didn't." "Must be hard. Leaving all your stuff behind like that." "That ain't the hard part." Ellie expected Joel to continue, but he didn't.

As they turned a corner into an alley, a Clicker turned a corner from across. As it began to charge, a sudden explosion erupted from the wall nearby, killing it instantly. "Holy shit!" Y/n exclaimed. "Jesus." Joel remarked. "Whoa, Nelly." Gasped Ellie. "Wha-? What the hell was that?" "That... would be one of Bill's traps." "Fuck, good thing we don't always run to where we're going." Said Y/n.

"Your friend a bit paranoid, maybe?" Asked Ellie. "Now that's putting it lighty." "What's the deal with this guy?" "Well, he helped is smuggle stuff into the city. He's... He knows how to find things." "Just hope we don't blow up trying to find him." "Just watch your step. You'll be fine."

"Look." Y/n pointed at a wire that stretched from wall to wall in another alley. "Another trap." "Best to stay away from that, huh." Ellie commented. Ellie turned her attention to Joel who picked up arrows from a dead body. "Geez, Bill good with a bow?" "I reckon he is." "You know how to use one?" Asked Y/n. "Been a while, but yeah." "You?" Ellie asked Y/n. "Same as Joel. It's been a minute."

Joel picked up a ladder and used leaned it against a trailer. The trio hopped above a semi-trailer where Joel found a bow. "Hey, look at that." "Nice." Y/n complimented. "String good?" Joel pulled the string to test it's durability. "Should last a while longer." "Let me used that." Ellie began. "I'm a pretty good shot with that thing." "How about we just leave this kind of stuff to me and the kid." Ellie scoffed. "He's the same age as me." Y/n smirked. "You heard the man. No toy for you little lady." "Fuck you, Y/n." The teen laughed; Joel cracked a smile at their banter.

The trio were now crossing from rooftop to rooftop thanks to a wooden plank. However, they came to a stop when they spotted an infected nearby. "Let's see how this works." Joel pulled out the string and readied a bow. "Set em up, I'll knock em down." Said Y/n as he put on his brass knuckle. Joel took the shot and Y/n immediately jumped over to the lower level of the roof. The arrow impaled the infected in the head and before it could screech, Y/n bashed it's face in with two clean punches. "Badass." Ellie muttered as they contiued.

After climbing down from a roof, Joel spotted another wire in down the alley they were headed towards. "See that wire?" The man informed. "Stay underneath okay? Just keep your head low and you'll be fine." "Alright." Ellie said a bit shaky.

"You hear that?" Asked Ellie, pointing out the banging against a metal door. "Yeah." Joel answered, taking out his revolver as Y/n swapped his knuckle for his pistol. "Oh shit, you're gonna go in there?" Questioned Ellie as Joel opened the door and entered the building with Y/n following behind. "I wanna see what we can find." Joel responded. "You're gonna find my body when I die from a heart attack." "You'll be fine." Y/n reassured.

As they approached the second floor living room, a Runner turned a corner and rushed at them. Instead of wasting bullets, Joel quickly took out a lead pipe he found a while ago and cracked the Runner's head open. "Geez. That thing scared the shit outta me." Ellie sighed. "Well, we're here. Let's search the place." Joel began to look for supplies. Y/n managed to find a few bullets, unfortunately they weren't for his .45 pistol.

Joel began to disarm traps as they continued forward. They decided to cut through a building. The moment Joel opened a door, a fridge fell from the ceiling. A rope tied around Joel's leg and hoisted him up into the air. "Joel!" Ellie called as the man dangled upside down. "God damnit Bill!" Joel exasperated as Y/n grabbed onto to him to help him stop moving. "What just happened?" Despite the tense moment, Y/n couldn't help but chuckle. "It's another one Bill's stupid traps!" Joel answered Ellie with heavy irritation in his voice.

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