Bucket hats

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Now, Jones wasn't normally wearing a hat and if she was it was most likely her dads helmet she would be wearing and if she couldn't wear his she'd be wearing her mums helmet, though recently she hadn't been wearing them and instead had been wearing a new sort of hat.

A hat called a bucket hat.

She had three now thanks to her uncle Charlie, Charlie had brought two of them, Sam had brought one.

Penny couldn't help her smile getting too wide when she had asked if they could make a custom made firefighting one.

Sam had facepalmed as his daughter started to list off all the bucket hats that she needed.

"You've started something now" Penny laughed

"Charlie started it not me" Sam said

"You brought the first one" Charlie smirked

Sam legged it after Charlie as Charlie ran to the beach laughing his head off.

One shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon