UCLA was his and Grayson's dream college. Well, I guess I shouldn't say 'dream' college. I doubt their dreams ever involved going through extra years of school.

My bedroom door swings open, revealing Mitchell with a toothbrush in his mouth. "Get up!" He says. "Or you can walk to the hospital."

Every day is the same.

I wake up, I have a shower, I get dressed, I brush my teeth and then we head to the hospital.

I haven't been able to eat breakfast as of late.

The thought of eating made me nauseous, so much that whenever I did eat, it didn't stay down for long.

After showering and getting ready, Mitchell and I head to the hospital.

"Have you decided on what college you're going to?" I asked to avoid an awkward silence.

"I think I'm gonna choose UCLA." He says. "It's the closest, and I want be able to come home, you know?"


"What about you? What college will you choose when the time comes?" He asks.

"I don't know." I answer honestly.

"You should just come back to school." He says. "A lot of people ask about you."

"Maybe for senior year I will." I say.

We arrive at the hospital shortly after. Grayson's mother and his siblings are in the room with him.

"Hi, Miss Scott." Mitchell greeted her.

"Hi, Mitchell. Please, call me Diana." She insisted. Her eyes fall on me, and my entire body tensed.

She doesn't like me. She blames me for her son's hospitalisation, which is fair. I blame myself too.

It is my fault.

"Dallas." She politely acknowledged my existence.

"Miss Scott." I respond.

But Grayson being in a coma wasn't the only reason she didn't like me. She, like nearly everyone else in this crappy town, had seen the picture before it was taken down. She even told me that I had to stay away from Grayson during the first month. It wasn't until Mitchell had convinced her, that she finally let me visit. Still, I could sense that she didn't want me here.

"When will he get better?" Asked Grayson's little sister named Everleigh. Unlike her brothers, and their mother, who all had the same caramel shade of hair, Everleigh had dark blonde hair.

"Soon." Miss Scott says. "He's strong, he will be alright." She places her hand on Grayson's arm and whispered something.

"Alright, we have to go back home and get you two ready for school." She says, taking her children's hands in hers. "It was good to see you, Mitchell."

"Good to see you too, Miss... I mean, Diana." Mitchell nods his head.

Before they walk out, she looked over at me, and I swear that it was a look of disgust, however subtle.

"She truly hates me." I say to Mitchell when she's gone and out of ear shot.

"No she doesn't." Mitchell says, walking over to Grayson. "She's just, not a people person."

Is anyone ever a people person?

"Alright, I've gotta head to school." Mitchell says. "Please don't sit here all day like you usually do."

"I do not sit here all day." I say in my defence.

"Yes you do." He says.

He puts a gentle hand on Grayson's shoulder before walking away and towards the door.

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