"Oh yeah," Taylor smiled at Grace lovingly, "Have you ever been to a theme park?"

"No, but there's a ton of them nearby and I don't want to ride any of the rides because there's so many deaths and accidents per year but I would like to go and look at them."

"Someday I'll take you," the singer chuckled, "Don't research the accidents, please."

"It's too late but I will keep it to myself."

"Thanks," Taylor looked at her laptop screen again.

"Is that like the someday you'll take me driving? We still haven't done that."

"I'll do that, too," Taylor kept saying that but Grace had never been allowed behind the wheel yet. She was too scared to admit that the idea of teaching someone how to drive terrified her more than Robert Kent's cold stare.

"How about on the way home?"

"How about no?"

"Please," Grace delivered her best pout, "I'm a really great driver!"

"I'm sure you are, my love," Taylor blew her a kiss with the hope her next sentence would distract Grace enough, "Check your email, I just sent you the link to a YouTube compilation one of the fans made about Meredith."

"I have watched them all," Grace sighed longingly. She shifted her head off the sofa and let it dangle near the ground as she feet remained on the couch, another loud, obnoxious sigh fell from her lips as she feigned the world's most extreme boredom and disappointment.

Taylor smirked, "You think that's going to convince me to let you drive but all it's doing is giving me the perfect view of your boobs."

Grace tilted her head to check and realized that yes, it did give Taylor quite the view. She put her hand over the neckline of her shirt and sighed again, "Fixed it."

"I still like your face," Taylor hummed with the satisfaction of believing she wouldn't give in. If she could deal with Austin since the day he was born, she could deal with Grace's antics.

Grace put other hand over her face to cover it but all that did was make her shirt ride up so Taylor could see her toned abdomen.

"I like that view as well."

Grace sat back up and groaned, "You promised to teach me. How am I supposed to be an independent adult if I can't drive a car?"

"You take the car with the driver like I do?" Taylor suggested. Grace was quiet as she tried to think of a comeback, nothing felt good enough.

It took so long for her to think that Taylor thought she had dropped it by the time she finally replied.

"Okay, what if when we have kids, you take the car to something and our child desperately needs a new microscope and I cannot take them because you're out with the driver? What then?"

"Amazon has same day delivery and I can always hire a second driver. Plus, why would our kid desperately need a new microscope? Or a microscope at all? Are we raising nerds?" Taylor laughed but her eyebrows showed her confusion.

"What is your idea of suitable entertainment for a child?" Grace questioned in response. Why wouldn't they have a microscope?

"Books, piano, playing outside, sports, television, trying to become a country music star. The usual stuff, the stuff I did," the last option was sarcastic, knowing what Taylor knew now, she wouldn't encourage such dreams when it seemed to tear everyone who had them apart one way or another, herself included.

"If we're basing it off things we partook in as children than I imagine we are including underage drinking, hiding in the closet to cry without anyone scolding them and trying to remember the nannies name so you can properly beg them to let you go because it's been three days and you really miss your butler," the straight face Grace kept as she said it (without exaggerating) horrified Taylor.

The Lucky One (2) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now