chapter thirty-three

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Chapter Thirty-Three - Blue's Clues

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Chapter Thirty-Three - Blue's Clues

With a mind still reeling from the news the night before, Ophelia was sat at the kitchen island, drinking a coffee, and eating some cereal.

David leant against the island, "So now that we know who we're dealing with, how do we find this wicked witch?"

"Might I suggest we start by asking if anyone's seen a woman with green skin running around?" Hook suggested. 

"We're cursed in Storybrooke. She'll look like any one of us," Regina reminded. 

"Ugh, why is this so difficult?" Ophelia complained, a mouth full of food. 

Regina stared at her, "Don't speak with your mouth full."

Ophelia responded with an open-mouthed smile, showing Regina the chewed-up cereal. 

"Ophelia, really?"

She swallowed what she was eating, "Where'd you think Henry ended up getting half his tricks?"

Regina glared, "His manners did go out the window the second he met you."

Ophelia clicked her fingers, making finger guns at Regina, "I don't have a kid so that little sucker is my legacy and he is doing me proud."

Emma frowned at her sister, deciding to move past her antics, "We'll start somewhere we know she's been... Regina's office."

"I went over it with a fine-toothed comb. She left no trace," Regina argued. 

"But you were combing for magic. Maybe there's physical evidence that you missed."

"Good idea. We'll track her," David spoke up. 

Regina still didn't agree with the idea, "If you want to waste your time playing Nancy Drew, be my guest. But we can't let Henry wander around alone with that witch and her flying monkeys out there."

"Well, especially since one of those flying monkeys could turn out to be his father," Hook voiced. 

Ophelia flicked some of her cereal his way, causing him to flinch as it hit him, "Dude. Some sensitivity."

"You threw food at me," Hook spoke, shocked. "And milk."

"Have some empathy then you won't get pelted with cereal."

Mary Margaret turned to Emma, voice soft, "Still no sign of Neal?"


Ophelia stopped sticking her tongue out at Killian, turning to the others, "What about Tink?"

"Sorry, Ophelia," David said, shaking his head. "She's probably around. We'll find her."

Regina cut through the sombre mood, "Point being, someone needs to protect Henry. He doesn't even know what's going on."

"I'm guessing you're volunteering?" Emma asked. 

"If you find anything, call me."

"Just remember, he thinks we're here because I'm on a case," Emma informed. 

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