"All I'm saying is, now that I've had the privilege of not having to interact with people, I realized I don't want to do it. I want to hide in a dark cave with you forever."

"But if it was dark I wouldn't be able to see your beautiful face," Taylor sipped at her coffee to hide the smile that formed on her face when she saw Grace's blush.

"You're too much," Grace started to laugh softly, "I love it."

They finished eating and Taylor gave her a kiss before she got into the car. She made Grace promise to text her when she got to Eleanor's house so she knew she got there safe and then again to let her know when and where to send the driver to pick her up later on unless she finished early and would join them.

Grace made the short walk to the house Eleanor owned just outside the city limits. It was nice a charming neighbourhood with perfectly manicured trees along the sidewalks and fresh paint on the pothole free roads.

The house itself was nestled in a row of townhouses, a small herb garden next to the door was dying off for the season as winter approached. She rang the doorbell and waited until the door swung open and her half-sister greeted her.

"Hi!" Eleanor awkwardly waved, "Do you want to come in?"

"Sure, thank you," Grace nodded, the uncomfortable feeling in her gut returned as she stepped inside, "This is a nice place."

"Yeah, it's cozy. I had the kitchen redone a few months ago, it was crazy living off takeout for so long," the younger sibling shrugged.

"I didn't know photography paid so well. This is real hardwood," Grace teased. She knew where the money for the house came from, they'd put that together long ago. Robert paid off her mother and Eleanor inherited what was left when Rachel James had died.

"The pay is shit," Nellie laughed, "Wedding season is just coming to a close and I still have four weddings worth of pictures to edit, never mind the one I'm shooting this weekend."

Just as Grace was about to reply, an alarm went off on Eleanor's phone. She quickly turned it off and apologized to Grace.

"I'll be back in a second, that's my second reminder to take my pill."

"Okay," Grace didn't inquire further, she assumed it was birth control because Taylor used to take it at the same time every day. That was until they got serious and Taylor stopped taking it because there was no reason for it and the multitude of side effects that it brought.

Eleanor came back a minute later and asked Grace if she wanted to stay in or head out. That hadn't made much of a plan because Taylor's meeting moved from over the phone to in-person rather quickly and had a fitting tagged onto it.

"We can head out once it warms up a bit, it's quite chilly," Grace posed it more of a question than a statement but Eleanor agreed and showed her to the living room. They sat down on the couch and Grace just had to ask, "Are you seeing someone?"

"No," Eleanor realized she should have offered Grace some water, "I would have told you. Why?"

"Oh, sorry. I assumed the pill was birth control."

"Haha, fuck no, I have an implant. It's Adderall, I have ADHD. That's why I have two alarms, one to ignore while telling myself I'll take it and one to actually take it," the taller woman chuckled, "Have I never told you that?"

"No," Grace shook her head, "Isn't that the stuff people took when they wanted to pull an all-nighter? With the crazy focus, right? I believe Taylor told me she took it once and felt like she started to utilize one hundred percent of her brain. She never took it again because it freaked her out."

The Lucky One (2) - Taylor SwiftOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora