8 - new dorm

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Weeks passed by after the walking interaction of Maho and Danish. They both texted daily on insta. Maho was whipped (and so was Danish). School was about to re-open soon and the dorm selection was up too.
"Hein? They're gonna put both boys and girls in some floors? Why though?" Maho asked while reading the notice given from the hostel headquarters. "I don't know too... Guess they're suffering from lack of rooms-" replied Abi. "-Also heard we're gonna have to move out of here. Mrs. Sinha said we're gonna stay on the 3rd floor" she completed. "Ughhh yeah I got the message too! Do we really need to?" Maho whined. She didn't want to move out of their old room. What if they don't get a balcony? What if the people next door are noisy? What if- "Don't worry we're gonna have a balcony. We're getting the room just above this one. So stop overthinking all the 'what ifs' and start packing" said Abi. "UGH FINE" Maho stomped and went to start packing up while Abi helped her.

"School is starting soon~ when y'all coming back?" "Probably in a few days. Also I have packed up everything before coming so just move my luggage" Subho said over the phone. They were in a conference call. "Do u need this wrapper?" Maho held up a wrapper of candy and showed it to Subho who looked at it and shook her head. "THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU THROW IT AWAY" "Maho stop screaming" "Oh hi Sreya". Overall they were catching up (they call each other every night). "They are gonna take these to the new room tomorrow morning okay? Recheck everything Abi" "Roger". Since Sreya and Subho weren't at the hostel, Abi and Maho had to pack and check everything before their room change. "I'll miss this empty rooms beside ours bro" Maho fake cried. They lived with no neighbors near their room but they heard there was gonna be people living opposite to them on the new floor. "It's fricking 1 in the morning bro Maho. Stop being dramatic and sleep. Cut the call" Maho rolled her eyes at Abi and said bye to the ones who were on the video call. "Biiiiig dayyyy tomorrowwwww! Ei what if our neighb-" "Shut up and sleep."

Maho and Abi went to Subho's house to spend time when the staffs moved their luggage to the new room. "You ditched us for a movie date? How could you" Maho gasped. Well apparently Sreya said that she won't be able to join them because she had movie plans. "I know... Sorry! Oh anyways gotta go. The movie will start in 5 mins!!!! Byee" she hung up.
The 3 of them chatted for a while and hung out till 5 pm. "We need to go now. See you at school tomorrow!" "Mhm goodbye. See ya" "Jiju will be ther- ow!" Subho slapped Abi's hand and pushed both of them out. Finally school was opening after summer break. Many things changed (ahem Danish ahem). Subho and Sreya would go to the school directly whereas Abi and Maho would go from hostel.
They returned and unpacked the stuff they needed for school. Maho plopped down on the bed and started scrolling her phone.
The room was just like their previous one but a bit bigger and on a different floor. Also the kitchen had more space so it really was helpful. Subho's mom gave them packed dinner so one less trouble. Suddenly Maho jumped out of the bed. "I want ice cream" she beamed at Abi like a little child. "I ain't going out. I can't find my backpack for school" "Ugh I'll go then" "Buy one for me too" "Sure thing"

Maho hopped on her way to the convenience store, humming to a song playing in her head. She entered the store followed by the chiming of the tiny bell placed on the door of the store. She went to the get the ice cream from the dairy section. After paying, she returned straight to the dorm and spent the rest of the time either lying down or simply gossiping with Abi. "You know... I'm kinda scared to go back to school" "There's nothing to be scared of" "I know but still" "You'll be okay Maho" "Hm". The room grew silent as both of them went back to do their own work. Maho got up and heated the packed food and they ate their dinner accompanied by the ice cream she bought earlier. By the time they cleaned up, packed their bags and went to sleep, it was already past 1 AM. Maho was thrilled to be back at school after all there was gonna be Dan-

"SHIT WHY DID WE SLEEP THROUGH THE ALARM?!?!!????" Maho screamed early in the morning. "Don't scream. We have neighbors..." "Yeah right sorry but WE'RE LATE". She quickly got down and went to wash up so that they could have something to eat during lunch at school. Fortunately they were done before school time so they got out of the hostel at 10:45. "Oh hey you're the new neighbors?" As soon as they set out of their room, a guy from the opposite room, who seemed to get out at the same time, asked. "Yeah. Nice to meet you" Maho greeted them back and Abi just nodded. "Which class?" "Oh we're in 11" "Oh me too" the guy went for a handshake which Maho ignored. "Well let's walk together then..... I'm Deep by the way". It felt so weird. A random guy walking to school with them. "So how long have you tw-" "Oh my! Hi Subhooo" Abi cut off Deep's sentence and ran towards her friend who was standing in front of the entrance of the school. Maho ran and hugged Subho and then Sreya came towards them. "Ulelelele I missed you guyssss" Maho squeezed Sreya's cheeks and hugged her, followed by Abi. Deep stood there staring at them. "Who's that?" Subho whisper-asked Abi. "I don't know. A random guy who spawned in front of our dorm room today" Abi whispered back. "I didn't get your names though" said Deep. "Well.... I'm Abi, this is Maho, Subho and Sreya" Abi introduced themselves and forced out a smile. "Oh okay. See y'all after school then" he walked off inside the school. "That was.. Weird" stated Subho. "Leave him be. Let's go to class" and they went to their own classes.

The classes felt like ages to them. They all met up at the front of the school before going on their way to the hostel. "Oh anyways, Aditya Da invited me to his dorm and told me to bring my friends so do y'all wanna go? He's one of them who's living opposite to us" said Abi. They all agreed even though Sreya and Subho didn't talk to him that often but they'll just go because Abi would force them anyway. All of them walked back to the hostel and chatted about random things. Suddenly Deep appeared in front of them. "Hey! What was your name again?" he asked. "I'm Abi, this is Maho, Sreya and Subho" Abi replied. "Okay bye then" he walked away. "He's.... Weird" stated Sreya. "I know right" agreed Subho.

"Oh hey come in come in" Aditya greeted them as they went in the room opposite of them. "Who's coming other than us?" "Oh not much. Some of my friends" "Okay". All of them sat on the couch. "Their dorm looks way better than ours. Learn something from them" Maho whispered to Subho. The dorm really looked better than theirs.
"Where the hell were you guys? We have guests over. Y'all take too much time to buy stuff" another guy spoke while opening the door for the people who arrived. "Sorry sorry. Took us a while" "Yeah get in and help Aditya". Before Abi got there with her friends, there were already 2-3 people in the room and now two more people came in with bags in their hands. "Oh! You know Aditya da?" Deep asked. Abi was surprised to see him in there. "Yeah? You know him too I see...haha" she awkwardly nodded. "We're roommates man! This is our dorm. That's Raghav da. He stays here too" Deep said while pointing at the guy who came in with him. Raghav waved at them and went in the kitchen to help. "Only three of you live here?" Maho asked. "Oh no no. Two 12th and two 11th. Dan is on his way" "Ooh". They all chatted for a while as a few more people came in and went out. "Let's watch movie" "We came here to watch a movie? Bro that's gonna be boring af" "Boring your m-" Aditya was stopped by Raghav who smacked his head so he was unable to finish the sentence. "Let's watch a movie na. Y'all choose" a new voice spoke up. "Dan is backkkk" Deep got up from the sofa and pulled him in the room. "Hi meet Dan! He lives here too" Deep dragged his friend and made him stand in front of Maho (and Abi but we're not gonna talke about Abi ;)).

'SHIT. WHAT. THE. HELL. WHY IS HE HERE. AHHSHITSHITSHIT.' Let's say Maho's eyes widened in shock as the guy spoke "Oh hey Mahogany. Didn't expect to see you here" But Maho was speechless. Her throat went dry. Her heart was beating so loudly that she could barely hear anything else. But we all know one thing for sure.

We didn't expect you to be there too Danish ;)

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