13 - invitation to dorm

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That day, after that macaron scene, Maho and Abi returned to their room and they had one of the greatest dinner of all times. They all teased Maho so bad that she got mad at them and went to bed earlier than usual.

"Wakey wakey. Rise and shine bitch~" Abi woke Maho. "Oh no should I say 'baker' instead of bitch?" she finger-quoted the word 'baker' and laughed. "Nothing is funny" Maho grumbled and slapped the pillow into Abi's face. "Get up" "5 more minutessss" "Maho! Get up. This isn't you!" "Ugh fine". Finally Maho woke up. Their internal exams were already finished the day before and everything felt relaxed. They planned on running some errands just before they return to their houses, for the vacations. Maho was cleaning the table after lunch when Sreya suddenly jumped out of her chair. "Shit I forgot! I gotta return the library books" she hurried towards her table and shuffled through the stack of books. After getting everything, she looked at the other three. "Let's go. I'll just return these. It'll be quick" Sreya beamed. "Ugh noooo" the three whined and plopped back in their beds. "God dammit Subho atleast you come with me?" "NO. I DON'T WANNA WASTE MY ENERGY" Subho aggressively shook her head in a denying manner. "You want some company right?" Abi asked. "Yes" "Okay I got you. Any company?" "As long as I'm not completely alone or with a complete stranger" "Haa ok done"

Sreya was standing awkwardly, in front of the librarian. The librarian coughed and started speaking "Okay now sign here" he pointed at a box in his register. Sreya quickly signed and left. "Oh you're done already! " exclaimed the boy who was standing right outside the library. "Hm I told them it won't take too much time ugh" she grumbled. After walking for a bit, he spoke up "So what are your plans for the winter vacation? Will you go somewhere or-" he was cut off when someone called him "Oye deep what're you doing here?" a guy headlocked Deep. "Nothing just accompanying her you know" "Ohoo" Raghav wiggled his eyebrows at Deep and looked at Sreya. "Oh you're Mahos friend I saw you when you came to movie night!" he smiled at her. "Aja I'm done. Oh Deep? What're you...." Adityas eyes went to Raghav and then he understood the whole situation. "Hello there! Please excuse me and Raghav. We have work to do" Aditya dragged his friend away from those two. "Kya kr rha hai-" Raghav was confused at his friends gesture. "Abey tera dimaag ghutno mein hai kya? How could you not feel the tension between them?" Aditya gave a weird look to his friend and continued to drag Raghav with him.

"I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I TOLD I'M SORRY AGHH MAHO HELP! HELP ME" Abi was running away from Sreya, who was curious. "NAA NAA SREYA PLEASE" she shouted, while running around in the room. Sreya was furious. She wanted some company and Abi straight up called Deep to accompany her. She felt awkward with him so much. "Sreya calm down" Maho tried to cool down Sreya as she sat down on her bed. "Why would you do that Abi? You know Sreya feels awkward around Deep! You know she likes hi-" Sreya smacked Maho and buried her face in the pillow. "Oh god it isn't a big deal come on he's a mutual! Also it's okay to like someone" "I DON'T LIKE DEEP BRO WHAT THE HELL" "Embrace the reality my child" "Stop it Mahogany. Go to your useful Danish" "I'll go don't worry" Maho winked at Sreya and layed down on her bed, chatting with her beloved, while Abi and Subho played UNO.

Maho hummed a song while combing her hair and making a cute hairstyle. "Someone is excited huh" Subho smirked. "Well this is the first time I'm going to his dorm all alone soooo....." Maho looked down and blushed heavily. "OOHHOOOOO blushy blushy babygurl" Abi joined in. "Omg stawp hehe" Maho blushed again. "Sreya can u do my eyeliner please?" "Ya sure come here". After getting all ready, Maho took deep breaths and went in front of the mirror to check last time. "Is this too much?" "ABSOLUTELY NOT. AND I SWEAR IF DANISH DOESN'T CALL YOU PRETTY THEN I'LL FEED HIM TO THE STREET DOGS" "Shh don't harm him pagal" Abi rolls her eyes at Maho as she continues to check herself. "Areh go go or he'll end up waiting for you the whole night" said Subho, poking Maho. "Right! I'll be late shit. Okkkk byeeeee" she quickly picked up her bag from her bed nd went to wear her shoes. Then she quickly waved a bye to the others and unlocked the door and went out.

"Who the f- Oh hi Maho?" Deep opened the door with a confused face. He was soon pushed out of the way by none other than the one who invited her over. "Don't mind him. Come in come in" he quickly welcomed her inside and glared at Deep who smiled sheepishly. "Uh let's go to my room. The others will be here soon so it's better to just go in now" Danish took Maho in his room and closed the door. "Woah it's so cozy in here" "I know right? It's my safe place after my home". Both of them sat down, facing each other.
"So um how's school?"-Danish
"It's....great! Just a few more months and we'll be in 12" -Maho
"I know right. Time flew by just like that" he laughed and looked at her. "Wait here I'll bring some snacks for you" he left the room. Maho looked around the room. The big lights were off but the small lights were on, giving the room a softer look. Neatly organized, books stacked on the shelves, a pc right beside the study table and a closet which had a mirror on it. There were windows and the walls were plain. Danish came back soon and they talked about things, while eating.

"Maho let's go to the balcony come" he smiled at her and took her to the balcony. It was a chilly evening, wind was blowing, creating a rather comfortable surrounding. "You know Maho, I'm so grateful that I met you. My life feels happier for some reason" he sighed. He slowly decreased the gap between him and Maho. Their hands touched when wind blew again. "I think I can say the same you know. This is so peaceful" Maho leaned on Danish's shoulder and let out a breathe of relief. She continued "Life is stressful but when I'm with you, I feel lighter as if there's not a single thought in my head" "Maho... I have to tell you something" "Hm? What is it?" "Um I uh I... I lik-" Just when he was supposed to say something, the balcony door opened. "Arey you don't understand ugh I tried to warn you before" Raghav entered the balcony, while on a call with someone. "Oh am I interrupting.....?" he asked, looking at Danish and Maho. "No no it's okay" Maho pursed her lips and smiled. Danish rolled his eyes, glared at Raghav and took Maho out of there, muttering cuss words under his breath. "I think I should go now shouldn't I?" she asked. "Already?"-Danish "Well today we're supposed to go back home you know for the holidays"-Maho "Allow me to join? We'll be going too"-Danish "Sure sure. It's already 7:30 pm? We spent like 2 hours already?" Maho was surprised by how time flew away so quick when they were together. "I knowww. Acha Maho, can Aditya come with me too?" -Danish "Haaaaa sure sure why not? Abi is coming too you know" Maho looked at him, giving him a knowing look to which he laughed and nodded. After all, two great minds think alike ;)

Their First Springحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن