5 - awkward talk

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The door closed behind Maho, making a loud noise. "Why are you panting?" Subho asked her. Yes, Maho was actually out of breath. "Well...."she finally calmed down and started "I just ran to this room" "Okay but why?" "CAN YOU SHUT UP FOR A SECOND? I'M TRYING TO PROCESS THINGS" Maho screamed out. "What's happening?" Abi entered the room. "Where were you?" "In the balcony" "Maho is going crazy" "She is born crazy-" they were interrupted by a furious Maho. "Why is HE here? You knew it right Abi? You sent me to the rooftop because of HIM right?" she questioned Abi. "Yeah I sent you because he said he wanted to give you something. What's the problem?" Abi asked back. "Someone explain?" Subho butted-in in the conversation. "It's about Danish" Abi replied her and Subho sat back nodding, afterall she knew what was happening. "Well that's the problem! You should've taken it and deliver it to me. WHY WOULD YOU SEND ME WITHOUT TELLING?" "BECAUSE IF I TOLD YOU THEN YOU WOULD'VE DENIED ON GOING THERE!" Maho stopped talking. She knew that Abi was right. "Anyways what's for dinner?" she changed the subject in seconds. "Let's order something?" Subho looked up from her phone. "Pizza?" she asked. "Subho. No. Eating pizza for dinner is just....no" Maho shook her head. "Let's go with noodles" she suggested. "What the hell? Who eats noodles for dinner?" Subho disagreed with her. "Safe option fried rice and chili-chicken." "Yeah that's better than having pizza or noodles" "How about you Abi?" Abi looked at them "Whatever you want. I just want ice-cream as the dessert" she replied. "Okay then main course fried rice and chili chicken and for the dessert ice-cream. Final?" Subho confirmed and the other two nodded. The food was delivered after 30-45 mins and they just ate while watching some movies.

"Come on Subho! Wake up! It's so awkward that I'm up before you" Maho whined. "What is it?" Subho asked opening her eyes. "You're up! Finally! It felt so awkward that I woke up before you at your house" "Stop being so loud early in the morning"(in reality, it wasn't early at all) "You call 10 am early?!". They woke up and started bickering. On the other hand, Abi woke up because they were being loud. "Can you guys tone it down please? There are other people in the home" she stated, making the other two stop. Maho turned her head towards Abi "YOU'RE RIGHT! DANISH IS THERE!" she shrieked. She plopped down on the bed and shoved her face in her own hands. How could she forget that her crush is in the house? What if HE heard Maho? NO WAY. All these things crossed her mind. Subho just gave her a shoulder nudge and got out of the bed.

"OIII! Get ready we're going to Park Street Cemetery" Subho ran into the room shouting. Since they were very bored about staying in the house, they thought about going to some places. Even though Maho disagreed about visiting the cemetery, they decided to visit because Maho didn't have any better suggestions. Subho went to her mom to get permission and ran into the room once she agreed. "Only the three of us right?" asked Abi. Maho sighed in relief once Subho confirmed that only the three of them were going. "DAMMIT SUBHO GIVE ME MY COMB BACK!" "No I won't, blehhhh" "STOP RIGHT THERE YOU LITTLE BITCH" "Catch me if you can~" Subho ran out of the room with Maho's comb in her hand. Maho chased her in her bedhead since she was 'too tired' to do her hair after waking up. "You little piece of shit" she muttered before attempting to catch subho. After lots of running and shouting, Maho finally got back her comb and Subho got a good scolding from her mom. Aunty was still scolding her when they were leaving ".....and mam, don't get lost, always hold hands while crossing-" "Yeah okay okay" Subho shut the door behind her. "Mam let's gooo" Abi teased her about the nickname "Yesss mam come fasttt" Maho joined the teasing session too. She teased her all the way to the metro station and only stopped when Abi stated that if she went on, Subho would become angry and cry then and there just to get a "I'm not a crybaby" from Subho. After getting their tickets, they got on the train and got down when their station came.
"I'm so so so hungryyyyy!" whined Maho. "Let's get some food then? I'm hungry too" said Subho. The closing time i.e 5pm rolled over pretty quickly than expected. Now that it was all done, the final touch was food and they were super hungry. They ended up eating momos from a food stall near the Cemetery. On their way back, Abi and Maho bought 2 books since they found a small book store across the food stall. "So, the visit finally came to an end. Let's go back" Abi sighed. It was a good day altogether. They explored the whole place, took pictures, had tons of fun, ate food, bought books and it was time for them to leave. They took the metro to return and each of them were tired af. "Can I just sleep right now?" "And then disturb us the whole night? No." "Come on! I'm tired" "So am I! Just wash up and rest" Maho started sulking after Abi told her not to sleep so early.....after all it was only 7:45 in the evening. They washed up one after another and lied down on the bed. The balcony door was open and after a few minutes of lying down, cold breeze blew in the room making it's warmness disappear. The lights were already out because none of them needed it (duh). They lied there for like an hour, in complete silence. "Do any of you two want to go to the rooftop with me?" Maho asked, sitting up. "No" the other two answered in sync. "Rude" she sulked and made her way out of the room. With light steps, she proceeded towards the top of the stairs.
The door was open. Once she made it to the top, she was greeted by cold wind and darkness. After stepping in the rooftop, she looked up. The first thing she searched for was the moon. It gave her comfort. It was a full moon night. The first few seconds, nothing was fully visible but after her eyes adapted to the darkness, she walked towards the railings. Leaning on the railings, she plugged in her wired earphones and clicked on the 'play' button on her phone. It was a peaceful moment which was completely undisturbed by the whole world. But not until a voice called her out of the trance. "Hello Mahogany! You're here again wahh" the voice was laced with amusement. Maho quickly stopped the song and unplugged her earphones to confirm if she was having hallucinations or not. "What song are you listening to?" no she wasn't hallucinating. He was definitely there. Slowly, she faced the boy and let out an awkward smile. "I'm just-" she couldn't finish her sentence, her words stuck up in her throat. "Mind if I stand beside?" he politely asked. "Uhm no no I don't mind at all" she waved off her hand out of habit. "You know......I actually don't bite. So no need to be scared" he looked at Maho, who was staring at the night sky. "Why would you bite?" she asked, confused. "Oh well- I mean- You keep on running away from me whenever I try to interact with you" he chuckled, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. Maho felt her cheeks heat up due to embarrassment. "You can tell me if I make you uncomfortable. It's just that you running away from me makes me feel like- I don't know it kind of hurts me?" he continued but the sentence ended up rather being a question. "No! No! You do not make me feel a tad bit uncomfortable. I just feel nervous" her voice became quieter in the end of the sentence. "Ahh you're an introvert too! Should've caught on that on" he spoke up clicking his tongue, as if he should've known that she was an introvert. "Haha yeah" she slowly looked away, in a different direction. And then, silence engulfed them again. Maho plugged in her earphones again but then pulled out the left earphone and offered it to the boy who was standing on her right. "Hey uhm Danish, do you want to-" he looked towards Maho and accepted the offer with a smile.
"So what's your stream?" he asked, giving back her earphone. "Humantities- I MEAN HUMANITIES!!" Maho yelled out of embarrassment. It was a joke between herself and her friends! How could she just say that! Danish just laughed at her being flustered for that. 'Cute.' He thought. "DON'T LAUGH! MOVING ON! What's your stream?" she asked back. "Commerce! It's fun" he said smiling at her. And then again yes again ✨awkward silence✨(caw caw caw). He stood there for a few seconds and pulled his phone out. "Do you have insta?" he stretched forward his phone towards Maho. It caught her off guard. She blinked blankly at him. Suddenly his phone ringed, the username read Sayon Seno. He picked up the call and went away from her and talked on the phone. "Uhhh- See you at dinner I guess?" he ran down the stairs, leaving a dumbfounded Maho, on the rooftop, all alone.

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