4 - stay over

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"YOU KNEW IT DIDN'T YOU? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!" Maho slammed the door and screamed at Abi. "WHAT HAPPENED ANSWER ME!" she added. On the other hand, Abi was completely clueless about what was happening. "What are you talking about?" she asked. "Don't act like you don't know anything. You knew that guy worked in the convenience store didn't you?" Maho was fuming with rage. "Are you dumb? Or do you not listen to any of our conversations?" Abi became frustrated, she added "Everyone in this room knows YOUR guy works at the store. Ask Subho or Sreya. I did mention it in front of you but you were too busy with your phone. Stop screaming at me for useless reasons". Maho looked at the other two for confirmation to which they nodded in affirmation, not surprised by the news which was apparently new to Maho. She felt a bit guilty for shouting at her friend. The whole room became quiet after the argument because no one dared to speak through the tension.

"Are you mad at me?" Maho whispered to her friend, who was standing on the balcony. "You know that I miss out some talks. I'll treat you boba. Please don't be mad Abi!" she said. "I wasn't mad. But since you promised boba.....I think it's good that you wanted to compensate" said Abi. "You piece of shit" muttered Maho. "Huh? What was that? Are you saying you don't want me to set you up with that guy?" smirked Abi. "Ugh just set us up whatever" Maho rolled her eyes. They made up real quick because it wasn't something very serious. They stayed up late and laughed at themselves for arguing like kids. Next morning, all of them woke up late, well there was no school so yeah. "Let's go somewhere!" suggested Subho. They were discussing about what to do throughout the whole vacation. "But where?" "I don't know that". They also needed time for the assignments so something like a short journey would be best for them. "How about museum?" "Boriiiing." "Birla planetarium?" "I've already visited it thrice" "Let's go see a movie?" "There are currently no good movies out there". Everyone sighed. None of the suggestions worked out. "Wait why is mom calling? I'll be right back" Sreya got up and accepted the call. When she came back, she had a huge smile on her lips. "Well exclude me from the plans because I'm going to darjeeling" she said. "Wow lucky" "Take me too" "Good for you" said the rest three girls. "Gotta pack! I'm so excited!" exclaimed Sreya. "Packing so early? When are you going?" asked Maho. "Well mom said that they already booked the tickets and the flight is next week. But I have to go home for some extra packing hehe. So I better pack up today and go home tomorrow" replied Sreya. She quickly went to her suitcases while the others just sat on Maho's messed up bed. "I HAVE AN IDEA! LET'S CHOOSE ANY ONE OF OUR HOUSES AND STAY OVER FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS" suddenly Maho shouted out with a burst of energy. "Well my brother won't allow you know. We're too loud and he'll complain to mom" sighed Abi. "Do it in my house. Hopefully my brother won't have a problem. I'll talk to them about it. Just fix a date" said Subho. "Okay then let's do it next week. We will stay for 2-3 days and then come back here, in the hostel"- Maho. "Ok sorted"- Abi. It was all set.

"Yeahh we'll go next week. Ask that douchebag if he got any problems with that" Subho talked with her mom on phone. She put it on speaker so that the others could also hear. "Baban, your sister will be coming over next week with her friends. You don't have any problems do you?" aunty asked Subho's brother. "No" her brother simply replied. Subho talked with her mom a bit more about stuff. "Well then that's it. We'll go on wednesday and return by sunday. Then gotta finish assignments" said Maho. "Abi? Why are you so quiet?" she asked. "Oh. It's nothing. Just calculating stuff. The seno asked when we can start working. That's why I was just-" "Guys the cab is here!! Gotta go!!!" shouted Sreya, interrupting Abi. The others also went down to say their goodbyes to her. "BYEEE! SHARE US PICS OF HANDSOME GUYS!" Maho shouted while waving Sreya off. "Shut up Maho" mumbled Subho. "Take care bitch. You better bring stuff for us" smiled Abi. "Yeah I will thanks for reminders" Sreya waved them off and got on the vehicle after keeping her luggages in place. They went back to their room to discuss about staying over at Subho's house.

The time between felt slower than any days but finally wednesday rolled over. The bags were already packed. They didn't pack anything more than a couple pairs of clothes and things needed on a daily basis like, soap, toothbrush, comb etc etc. It was planned that they would step out after breakfast. "The car is 2 mins away. Let's wait downstairs" said Abi. The others quickly checked if they left anything back. After confirming that they had everything they needed, all of them took their keys and walked out of the room. "FINALLY!" exclaimed Maho. She was very relieved that the car had air conditioner. It took them 30 mins to reach their destination. After paying, they walked in the house in front of them. Subho rang the doorbell and aunty opened the door in a minute. "Oh come in come in" aunty moved away from the door to make way for the three girls. They said hello and exchanged greetings and all. Subho threw her backpack on the sofa and ran towards her brother's room. Without knocking, she slammed open the door. "SURPRISE GORU" she shouted after opening the door. "Girl what the- Oh hi there" he stopped mid sentence to greet the two people standing awkwardly behind Subho. "Ei by the way, my assigned junior will be coming over for some days. Hope y'all won't mind" he said to them. "And why didn't you inform me before?" "Because he informed me this morning. He'll be here by evening. Now go away, I need to do stuff" he shooed away Subho.

Time passed by very quickly. It was already 9 pm so Abi asked Subho "Can I go to the rooftop?" "Yeah go ahead" replied Subho, watching something on her phone. Abi made her way to the rooftop. But wait......There was someone leaning on the side railings. She slowly approached the railing area. "Um...Are you Sayon da's assigned junior?" she asked. "Yeah" the person turned towards her. It was a guy. And Abi definitely knew the voice. "YOU ARE THAT GUY" she pointed at the boy. "Huh?" he tilted his head in confusion. "I need to send Maho here as soon as possible" she muttered but since it was so silent, he heard her. "Oh did you say 'Maho'? You know that girl?" he asked. "Well obviously she's my bsf" Abi stated as if it was a matter of fact. "Well then can you pass this to her? She accidentally left her school id card at the store" he quickly took out something from his wallet and held it in front of Abi. "No." she replied. "Well that was rude" he said, taking the card back. "Give it to her directly. Also I can't always work as a bridge. Gotta go, good luck" she turned towards the door and was about to go when she suddenly spoke again "I'm Abi by the way" "Uh well I'm Danish. Nice to-" Abi just disappeared after collecting the needed information. "MAHO GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM. HOW LONG WILL YOU SPEND IN THERE? IT'S URGENT. COME OUT FAST" Abi knocked on the door furiously. A second later Maho stepped out quickly, sensing the urgency in her friend's tone. "What?" she asked. "Go to the rooftop. NOW! There is something you need to see. GO!" Abi pushed her out of the room, towards the staircase. When she confirmed that Maho was gone, she ran in the room and told the completely clueless Subho about what was happening. Both of them squealed in joy and talked about all the things that could possibly happen afterwards.

On the other hand, Maho made her way to the rooftop, pretty scared. 'What if it's a prank?' she thought. And when she stepped in, she screamed. There was someone standing in the dark. As soon as she screamed, that person flinched and looked back. "W-who are y-you?" Maho stuttered. "You're Maho aren't you?" the boy asked. Maho finally got the courage to walk closer to the boy. "How do you know me?" she asked, the boy was acting sus. "Uhhhh.....I have your school id...." he held it in front of her. "HOW IS THIS WITH YOU? ARE YOU A STALKER?" she shrieked. "No no! It's nothing like that" he panicked "you accidentally left this at the convenience store the other day. Just wanted to return it" his voice became smaller. "Aaand you are?" she questioned. "I was the cashier that day and you ran away before I could give it to you" he added "I'm Danish by the way. Hopefully you won't run away this time-" but oh boy, Maho was long gone. The id card was still in Danish's hand as he stood alone, on the rooftop, letting the silence swallow him.

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