1 - new session

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"C'mon Maho wake up! First day at school and we're gonna be late because of your sleepy ass! It's already past 8 stop sleeping ugh" Maho quickly sat up and checked her phone. "IT'S 7 IN THE MORNING SREYA!!!!!!! WHY DO U ALWAYS LIE ABOUT THE TIME!" Maho yelled and threw a pillow in Sreyas face. "Why are u two always so loud early in the morning?" a girl grumbled from under her covers, clearly disturbed by the argument happening in the dorm. "Can't you see already? This bitch woke me up so early" Maho was basically fuming with rage. "Not my fault that you don't wake up after a normal call" shrugged Sreya.

"Yah Abi what's all this commotion?" another girl asked the one who was also woken up by Sreyas and Mahos fight. "So jao meri bachhi " Maho said to that girl. "Ya'll literally woke ME first and now you're telling ONLY Subho to sleep? tsk biased ass" Abi rolled her eyes. "Subho is my bachha shut up". "Then please tell your bachha to shower daily" -Abi. "I SHOWER DAILY! EXCUSE ME?!?!!?!?"-Subho. "Can't agree more, she stinks" Maho scrunched up her nose, then laughed. "So........Who showers first?" asked Sreya. "Since you're the only one who is done with their morning routine, you can go first" suggested Subho. "Look Abi, she's already denying to shower" whispered Maho. "You know that I can actually hear your voice right maho?" and subho threw her pillow towards her, which was successfully dodged by Maho. While they were 'fighting', Sreya already made her way into the washroom as Abi went to brush her teeth and wash her face.

"Ew who drinks green tea?" Subho said as she expressed pure disgust while holding Sreyas packet of green tea. "Well not everyone eats cumin seed er torkari early in the morning like you do Subho" stated Maho while eating rice. "YAH ABI HELP ME TIE MY TIEEEE" shouted Subho, desperate to change the subject; she didn't want to be roasted anymore. "Firstly I'm not deaf, in this small hostel room, I can clearly hear even if you don't shout. Secondly you're in 11th standard and still don't know how to tie a tie?" Abi shook her head, disappointed in her friend's incapability of tying a simple tie.

It was 9:45 a.m when everyone finished eating. They packed their lunch which was cooked by the one and only chef of the group,Maho. They trusted her enough to make edible food for tiffin. So after organizing their rooms (there was a main bedroom with 4 beds, a small kitchen, 2 washrooms because it was a 4 person room and a small balcony as they got lucky for receiving a room with a balcony and great view). It was past 10:20 when it was all done. They took their bags and got out of the room. Everyone checked for the keys and after confirming that each of them had their keys, Abi locked the door and then put the keys safely in her bag. The school was only 2 mins of walking, yeah they lived in the school's hostel. "Bro let's pray for handsome boys in our new session" whined Maho. The others just looked at her while Subho patted her head as a sign of reassurance. They checked their room no.s and walked in the building.

The classes went on smoothly for everyone. It was the first day so there wasn't really any serious studies; only introductions. Soon it was lunch break. "Let's go get Sreya and Subho. We'll eat after wandering about a bit" said Maho, quickly packing her bags. Sreya and Subho took the Science stream while Maho and Abi took Humanities, so they were in two different rooms. After organizing their things, Maho dragged Abi with her to meet the other 2. On the way, she bumped in a guy. "Shit- A-are you okay??" the guy asked her with obvious panic in his eyes. Maho rubbed her forehead and looked up, her mouth opening to curse the guy but.....Maho just stared at the guy. They held eye contact until she came back to her senses and just nodded, embarrassed by the fact that she just stared at an unknown guy. After walking for a while, she and Abi came in front of the science batch class. As soon as Subho got out with Sreya, Maho started squealing like a fangirl. She shook Abi and squealed again while the other 2 just watched in confusion. "Basically she just bumped into a guy and he asked if she was okay but she just stared at him" explained Abi. "HE'S SO HANDSOME!!!!!!" Maho whisper-shouted. "You took #NewSessionNewCrush a bit too seriously don't you think?" joked Subho. "NO! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! HE'S HOT!!" she exclaimed. "Do you know him? What's his name Maho?" Sreya asked. "Sreya use your brain! It was an unknown guy! I've seen him somewhere but he's still a stranger!"- Abi. "But still! You shoul-" Maho rudely interrupted without letting Sreya complete her sentence "SHUT UP! IT'S ABOUT ME AND HIM ARGHHHHH" she shouted out, frustrated. "You know what? I'll just let Abi befriend him and then she can set us up!" exclaimed Maho, looking at her friend with twinkling eyes and a smiley face. "Do I look like I'm your lovelife organiser? WHY DO I NEED TO BEFRIEND EVERY CRUSH OF YOURS?" asked Abi, clearly offended. "Aww come on you're the only one who can helppp! And who else did i tell you to befriend huh?"- Maho. "You made me befriend that A-" Abi's words came out in an incoherent way as Maho was covering her mouth. After she removed her hand, she spoke "What the hell Maho?"-Abi "Couldn't help it! He was close by! Sorryyyyy" Maho smiled apologetically. "Can we eat now? I'm hungry" whined Subho. They parted ways to go eat and on their way to classroom, Mahos eyes were busy finding THAT particular boy. Rest of the day at school was pretty much boring because it was full of introductions.



Uwwuuwu I need him hfbffbbjvh ₅:₄₈ ₚₘ


Bhai pls stfu ₅:₅₀ ₚₘ

Naurrr gimme the biy ₅:₅₀ ₚₘ

*boy ₅:₅₀ ₚₘ


Wae? ₅:₅₁ ₚₘ




JUST DO IT FOR ME. ₅:₅₁ ₚₘ

I'll decide later bye ₅:₅₂ ₚₘ

Bal ₅:₅₃ ₚₘ

ˢᵉᵉⁿ ⁵:⁵⁵ ᵖᵐ


Abi was out for buying some snacks from the nearby store. After leaving Maho on seen, she pushed the cart towards the counter. When she met eyes with the cashier, she was taken aback. She rubbed her eyes incase she was mistaken but no, she saw the cashier before. As she and Maho were almost regular customers, she knew that the one on the counter was a new worker. After paying for her snacks she left the store with a smirk on her face. Mission:on.

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