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There were a few orders of business to take care of before Newt could leave New York. The first had been to fill a suitcase with Occamy eggshells.

"For Jacob's bakery business." Newt had explained as he used a nearby wall as a writing surface as he scrawled out a note for the man. Kel could hardly wait for the day when he would read the muggle newspaper to find out some man in America had made it big for his ingenious pastry ideas.

The second order of business had been to say goodbye to the Goldsteins. Their apartment was just as warm and welcoming as the last time they had been there and Queenie had insisted on making them lunch before they went.

It was a melancholy meal but by the end, there was a shared consensus that everything was alright and would be for a good long while.

In fact, hardly any of it seemed real until Kel was walking down the cobblestone street with Newt beside him, coat slung over his arm when he got the message.

It was delivered to him by pigeon. And for generally viewing them as mopey, dullish birds, they had a strong intellect when need be. It seemed every country had a different bird by means of delivering messages to Kel. Because an owl would look too suspicious in New York or Poland or Australia.

"What does it say?" Newt said, speaking for the first time in a while. He seemed almost reluctant to break the silence between them and Kel had noticed that he had become quite fidgety, playing with his hands as they walked, eyes never once focused on one thing for more than a few seconds before darting away. "Where are they sending you this time?" He asked, voice softer.

Kel clenched his jaw. He didn't want to think where the British Ministry would send him this time. It could be anywhere. Switzerland for a squib disaster. Berlin for a dementor outbreak. He opened the letter.

Newt's eyes, curiously, drifted toward the slip of parchment and he read the words aloud.

Khelben Gideon Barnes.
Level 5.
International Magic Office of Law.
British Ministry of Magic Headquarters,
Whitehall, London, England, Great Britain.
Following the conclusion of your stay in New York, return to London until further notice. No presence needed elsewhere at this time.

"You're going home." He said, a smile gracing his lips.

It was contagious and Kel found his own lips quirking up though he made no effort to stop them. "I am."

Newt nodded and ducked his head again, eyes studying the indents the cobblestones made with the others. He cleared his throat then awkwardly and risked a glance up. "With me?" He asked. It was perhaps the boldest thing Kel had seen him do, besides taming wild beasts and engaging in battles with notorious villains.

"If you'll have me," Kel replied.

"Yes. I'd quite like that."

They arrived at the port, a large passenger ship docked at the large berth. All around, people muddled about, saying goodbye to loved ones or hurrying to catch the ship for business of sorts. Kel and Newt stood in the middle of it all then, as if wordlessly deciding that they could not board the ship. At least not yet.

"I think I've finally come up with a name for the book I've been working on but I'm not entirely sure yet," Newt said.

Kel smiled. "Oh yeah? What is it?"

Newt revealed the name with a nervous- almost giddy air about him. "I think I'm going to call it 'Fantastic Beasts and Their Magical Habitats.'"

Kel contemplated the title carefully. "It's good but-." He said.

"But something seems off about it." Newt finished. "I just can't quite figure it out." He said, scratching at his neck.

Kel laughed. "That's because we found your Niffler, Teddy in a jewelry shop and your Erumpet in Central Park. A Demiguise in a department store. How about," he moved a hand and subconsciously fixed Newt's bowtie. "'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'."

Newt paused for a moment, thinking over it in his mind before a brilliant smile lit up his face. "It's perfect." He said. And then, "Thank you."

Kel's hand fell away. "You don't have to thank me for anything."

"But I do. I will." Newt sighed as he looked around. "This is the part where I let you walk away in the train compartment, isn't it?"

"There's no train this time. And I'm not leaving. We're going together." Kel sighed. "You know I don't hold it against you."

"I know," Newt said, seeming almost angry with himself. "You should."

"I don't think I could ever resent you for anything Newton Scamander."

"Then you're the only one. It means a lot though, I hope you know that." Newt looked around then, at all the people on the dock, worrying his lip between his teeth as he contemplated something. "There's so many people." He said. 

Kel followed his gaze as he noted the muggles puttering about, going through the motions of their days without the faintest clue of the wizarding world's existence. "They'll dwindle in due time." He said.

"I know it's just- I wish-" Newt frowned as he cut himself off. 

Kel's eyes softened as he caught onto what Newt was getting at. "I know." He said softly. "You don't have to though."


"It's ok."

"No, it's not," Newt said. The horn sounded on the ship, calling all last-minute boarders. They had their tickets. All that was left to do was leave.

Newt, making up his mind about something, squared his shoulders resolutely and rose to his full height, tilting his chin upward so he could quickly place a kiss on Kel's cheek. He ignored all the people around him and the world fell away until he wasn't worried about anything anymore. All that mattered was that he had finally done it and he didn't shy away. "There." He said, pulling away, the tips of his ears flushed a dull pink. "No more doubts or uncertainties."

Kel grinned stupidly. It was a small thing. A kiss on the cheek. But somehow, it felt more momentous than anything coming from Newt who could barely hold eye contact but now looked unflinchingly at Kel to gage a reaction. "Let's go home." He said.

Newt's lips quirked up and his hand slipped into Kel's. They started walking forward once more and boarded the ramp that would take them back to England. Together, this time, they went.


The end.
Thank you all for sticking with me until the end and patiently waiting as I struggled with motivation and school and applications before finally sitting down and dedicating myself to finishing Newt and Kel's story. 
At this time I do not have any intentions of writing a sequel but who knows, maybe one day I'll wish to revisit their story and continue it. 
In the meantime, feel free to check out my other books. As of today, all of them are completely finished so go check them out and vote/comment/follow! All support is always deeply appreciated.

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