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Macy's Department Store was long since closed by the time they got there. No alarms, thankfully. Kel supposed this shop wasn't particularly prone to burglary.

The group of five entered inside, making sure to keep quiet as they watched a bag that was once on display start moving on its own accord, seemingly levitating. The bag drifted through the store and Newt gestured for the group to stop behind a rack of Christmas decorations so they could remain out of sight.

Kel felt his face light up when he saw the so-called Dougal when the creature cast off its invisibility. A sloth-like figure with long, soft-looking fur. The creature had large almost golden eyes that roamed around the store, searching for things to add to its bag.

A muted sound erupted from somewhere above, too loud to be a rustle but too quiet to be anything like a bang.

"Was that the Demiguise?" Tina asked, eyes wide not in curiosity but in alarm.

"No," Newt replied softly, looking around with inquisitive eyes, as if he could trace the sound to its source. Kel watched him in fascination. "But I think that might be the reason that the Demiguise is here." He stood and walked forward silently, following the Demiguise as it crept forward.

Kel followed behind Newt and watched as the creature realized their presence but made no immediate move to flee. Just blinked up at them and continued on its way, a silent indication to follow. Newt smiled widely as he watched his creature tend to its duties, lips spreading wide.

Dougal led them to the back of Macy's where they kept all the storage upon rows and rows of shelves filled with boxes of all kinds of material goods.

Newt went on talking, explaining to Kel as they crept forward, voice low so he didn't startle the Demiguise. "Its sight operates on probability, so it can foresee the most likely immediate future."

"What's it doing?" Tina hissed quietly as Newt kept low to the ground, meaning to place his case down by the creature.

"He's babysitting." Kel realized with a start. He glanced at Newt. "But what creature?"

"This is my fault," Newt said. "I thought I had them all but, uh, I must have miscounted." He sank to his knees when he reached Dougal's side and slowly placed his case down.

Kel gaze drifted upward after the acute sound of a snake sliding around the rafters drew his attention. He raised a brow when he saw the bottom side of an incredibly lengthy snake-bird-like creature, its midnight blue feathers adorning every part of its long body.

"It's babysitting that?" Tina breathed out, quivering as she held her ground.

"An Occamy." Kel said when the creature's head poked out from the long twist of its body lapping over itself. The creature trilled softly as it descended forward toward Newt and the Demiguse that pulled something from the bag it had stolen and offered it to the Occamy. It opened its purple-tinged beak and swallowed whatever it was Dougal offered whole.

Newt raised a hand toward the creature in slow and deliberate motions.

"Occamies are choranaptyxic." Newt explained softly, frozen in his position so as not to make any sudden provoking movements. "So they grow to fill available space." He lifted his hand further as the Occamy trilled again, eyes wide and gentle. "Mummy's here." He said.

Kel's breath, if not stolen before, certainly was now as Queenie took a fascinated step forward and accidentally kicked at a Christmas tree ornament, sending it skidding against the wood flooring, the bells within jingling.

The Occamy reared, pulling away from Newt with a shrill cry, expanding and growing to fit the space. Kel's gaze shot up, following the creature as it moved in a crazed frenzy.

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