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"I don't trust Graves," Kel said, eyes flitting left to right as he read the contents that Graves had placed into his coat pocket. He folded it after reading it twice through and ripped it down the middle, then, on second thought, ripped it again.

He was standing on the ledge of the roof of the Goldstein residence. The wind lapped languidly against Kel's exposed skin, nudging through his coat and flitting through his hair. His face had gone white some time along the way when Kel first stepped foot on the roof. He swallowed thickly and focused his gaze on Newt as the man entered his line of sight, a familiar presence that eased the sort of ache in Kel's chest.

"I don't either," Newt said, coming to stand by Kel's side on the ledge of the building. After Queenie had told them all to get into the case, she had carried them out of the Congress building and back to her place, letting them out only when they were on the roof, well away from any suspecting eyes. The view at least, for everything going wrong at the moment, was beautiful as Kel gazed upon the city from above, watched the lights fight against the dying sun covered by bouts of thick cloud. It almost looked as if a storm was coming but the clouds for such seemed too timid.

Queenie and Jacob were off talking by the pigeon coop on the roof and Kel smiled when he caught Newt looking at him. Pickett was on the Hufflepuff's shoulder, standing tall and when he saw Kel, the Bowtruckle offered a salute in greeting.

"Are you alright? I know your lack of affinity for heights is less than... ideal." Newt asked a moment later, softer was his voice so no one else would hear. It was a kind sentiment and Kel thanked Newt silently, nodding mutedly.

Tina joined them then. "Graves always insisted the disturbances were caused by a beast. We need to catch all your creatures so he can't keep using them as a scapegoat." She said to Newt.

Newt tore his gaze away from a blanched Kel. "There's only one still missing." Newt said "Dougal my Demiguise."

"Dougal?" Tina echoed, smiling at the name.

Newt indulged in the smile for only a second before it faded and he scratched his nose. "Slight problem is that, um, he's invisible."

Tina's shoulders deflated. "Invisible?"

"Yes. Most of the time. He does um..." Newt trailed off, failing to find the words. He looked to Kel to see if the man could help him with his words just like he always used to do at Hogwarts but the man was just as lost, too busy raking his brain for any mentions of Demiguises. He was never an apt student in Care of Magical Creatures. That was always Newt's thing.

"How do you find something..."

"With immense difficulty." Newt clipped in, answering Tina's question before she could even finish phrasing it.

Tina laughed, finding the situation both hilarious and nerve-wracking.

"Worst for last," Kel murmured, remembering what he had said to Jacob earlier. He had only been half joking as he hadn't known exactly what creatures had escaped from Newt's case. His heart thudded loudly against his chest and he took a step back away from the ledge of the building.

"Yes." Newt echoed, casting a shy glance toward him before it flitted away, back to the night city before them.

Tina's features lit up even under the dark night and she took a step closer to Newt, eyes wide. Kel watched the exchange carefully, not quite sure what he was looking for but then Tina spoke.

"Gnarlack." She said.

"Excuse me?" Kel asked.

"Gnarlack," Tina repeated, chasing her idea. "He was an informant of mine when I was an Auror. He used to trade in magical creatures on the side."

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