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Central Park, blessedly, was free of any more officers. What it was not free of, however, was trouble.

It didn't take a lot to figure out that something was wrong as soon as the three men stepped foot in the park. Take, for example, the ostrich fleeing past them across the snow-covered bridge or even the afore-dealt-with lion that had greeted them back at the jewelry shop.

Something deep rumbled from in front of them, cloaked by distance and trees. It was unlike any regular animal sound and resembled something too close to a magical animal that was anything but placid in its location.

Newt set down his case hastily and pulled a round bowl-like hat-looking thing from the depths of his coat. Kel just raised a brow at the act, wondering just how many other uses Newt had found by the extension charm.

"Put this on." The man said, hastily pushing the hat into Jacob's hands.

"Why— Why would I have to wear something like this?" Jacob asked, gaping at the thing in his hands.

"Because your skull is susceptible to breakage under immense force," Newt replied evenly, continuing on quickly as if he hadn't just told Jacob he could die at any moment.

"Don't worry, Jacob. It's just a precaution." Kel said when Jacob, who was now positively and utterly terrified, shoved the hat on.

Quickly, Kel and Jacob rushed after Newt who was now half-running through the park in an attempt to reach the missing Erumpet before it could cause any more harm or damage to the park or its creatures, half of which had already fled.

They walked to the outer edge of the park's zoo, coming to a stop outside a demolished wall, places of which had been caved in and punched through by some unseen circumstance. Piles of rubble littered the ground at the entrance and beyond it, another bellowing roar echoed from behind the brick.

Newt twitched as he stared forward before snapping back to his senses and pulling yet another thing from the depths of his pockets, this one larger and resembling a body protector. "Ok, if you could just, uh, pop this on," Newt said distractedly, moving around to Jacob's back as the man unceremoniously donned the breastplate. His hands fumbled with the straps he needed to fasten it and Kel stepped in, gently taking over for Newt.

He knew Near was worrying again. He was always worrying, it seemed. But even now his hands shook and Kel saw them itching toward his wand each time they got closer to one of his animals.

"Good?" Kel asked, pulling the straps to what he believed was a degree tight enough but not so that it would restrict any movement or breathing.

Jacob exhaled and shifted, getting a feel for the new protection. "Yup."

"Now," Newt said, wringing his hands together. "There's absolutely nothing for you to worry about."

Jacob looked everything if not convinced. "Tell me— has anyone ever believed you when you told them not to worry?"

"My philosophy is that worrying makes you suffer twice," Newt mumbled, casting an almost guilty look toward Kel with a sheepish smile.

"That is a wonderful philosophy," Kel said.

Jacob didn't look like he agreed though, to his credit, he did offer a terrified smile that was more to calm his own nerves than to encourage either of the wizards.

"Come on, then," Newt said, sensing the moment comes to an end.

He took off again, this time slower with quiet steps as the three of them walked through the zoo toward a larger exhibit toward the back.

The brick wall here too, had caved in; the bricks laying in scattered heaps at their feet. Kel stepped over one as he crept forward, holding his breath as the Erumpet came into view.

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