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"You fools." Graves said, slowly turning to survey the damage that was done. The tunnel was painfully silent as he spoke, each word sinking in deep to everyone who would hear. "Do you realize what you've done?"

"The Obscurial was killed on my orders, Mr. Graves," Seraphina said.

"Yes, and history will surely note that. Madam President." Graves started ambling forward and Kel watched, one hand holding steadfast to his wand while the other held Newt's arm to help him keep steady.

"What was done here tonight was not right." Graves went on.

"He was responsible for the death of a No-Maj." Seraphina bit back. "He risked the exposure of our community. He had broken one of our most sacred laws."

"A law that has us scuttling like rats in the gutter." Graves said. "A law that demands that we conceal our true nature. A law that directs those under its dominion to cower in fear, lest we risk discovery." He was passionate, voice almost soft if it weren't so aggressive.

Kel studied the man intently, heart hammering in his chest before he ducked his head and whispered something in Newt's ear.

"—I ask you, Madam President." Graves continued as Newt looked to Kel with a look of surprise. Kel just nodded. "—I ask all of you. Who does this law protect? Us... Or them. I refuse to bow down any longer." He turned slowly, dramatically, and began to walk away. His steps were uneven as if he were waiting for something. Seraphina spoke next, her tone low and warning-like."

"Aurors," she said. "I'd like you to relieve Mr. Graves of his wand and escort him back."

From his place on the tracks, Kel could see the barest quirk of the lips, a ghost of what might be called a smile on Grave's face as turned his head the barest of an inch. Just enough to see the Aurors all simultaneously draw their wands and then— all at once, they cast.

Graves blocked them all with ease, the speed at which he whipped his wand to conjure a protective shield before him was alarming and Newt stumbled back as numerous spells were cast over them. He grabbed onto Kel's arm to guide him back while his other hand went to his pocket.

A moment later, the Swooping Evil. The magical creature burst forth from Newt's hand as he released the thing and it flew upward in an elaborate arc, circling atop Graves and the spells he kept defended until it eventually dove down, wingspan catching the air as it went.

Graves didn't see it coming, and, even if he had, the creature was simply too fast for him to react in time. Within the second, the Swooping Evil had attacked Graves, trapping his arms behind him and forcing him down to his knees.

"Accio!" Tina called out, catching Graves' wand before it could clatter to the ground. Her eyes were wide and her breath irregular as she took in the sight of Graves, bound and without power on his knees.

Newt nodded to Kel, a silent motion to move forward. Kel did so and went slowly. If his suspicions were correct, even the man on the ground below him may be powerful enough to break free.

He raised his wand and murmured a low but distinctive "Revelio."

Black hair started changing. Graves tried to resist the spell but it was ultimately no use. Studying the man closely with an odd sort of fascination, Kel slowly started walking around Graves, watching the transformation before his very own eyes until he finally reached the front of the man. But this man was not Graves. Instead, it was the face of Gellert Grindelwald that looked at Kel, eyes glinting in such a sinister way that Kel had to fight to keep his gaze steady and his eyes narrowed.

Seraphina joined Kel's side then and it was then that Grindelwald finally spoke, his voice hoarse as if he hadn't truly spoken in a long time. "You think you can hold me?"

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