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It was decidedly melancholy: stepping onto the Hogwarts train for the last time. Kel felt the overwhelming sadness and nerve hit him all at once and all but collapsed onto the seated cushion in his chosen compartment on the Hogwarts Express— the same one he had tried to use every head. He was a creature of habit, he knew but even now he sat, drumming his fingers across his leg, half-heartedly listening to whatever debate his friends had spurred on this time.

He couldn't find Newt when he had first boarded so Kel had elected to sit with his housemates for a time for the sake of goodbyes.

He wasn't particularly close to any one of them in any sense other than the fact that they shared his natural disposition and offered company that was far from anything idiotic or draining. He appreciated them but as he sat, leg bouncing restlessly and fingers tapping an inaudible tune not even he knew, Kel found himself itching to get away.

"Go. Be with him." Jordanne Brown, a girl regular in stature in height and in all things except for her long lustrous sleek black hair that nearly reached her waist. She had once earlier confessed her prior infatuation with Kel in their third year but quickly resolved it upon discovering that Kel's interests in the general female body were limited to a certain extent which, she had discovered, was entire.

Her boyfriend now, Charles Ridgeback, and person whom Kel could loosely associate his name as a sort of friendly fondness, let his gentle grip slide from Jordanne's waist as she stood directly before Kel, offering her hand, typically Ravenclaw style. To them, it passed as more of an offering than a goodbye or a hug,

Kel stood and took her hand, shaking it. They wouldn't see each other once he left. She was destined for St. Mungo's where she would become a healer and Kel, for the Ministry.

"If I ever see you in the vicinity of any wizarding hospital bed, Mr. Barnes I will kill you myself before whatever lands you there does."

Kel paled slightly. The girl before him was shorter than him but her natural disposition was loud and menacing through her smile of all things which she flashed him now.

"Until another time." He says to all of them and none of them because it's easier than looking all these people in the eye and finding something to tie himself to even after classifying them as something less friends than comrades in his head.

Murmurs of half-hearted goodbyes and farewells echoed behind Kel as he slipped out of the compartment and into the slim hall of the train.

Here, there was no set distinction between students, no four colors to tell Kel who belonged where and what year they might be in. Kel observed this as he glanced into passing compartments to see boys and girls earring jumpers and tunics, excited faces of the younger ones eager for the summer, and more somber ones of those that knew they would not be returning.

He should be happy. Hogwarts had caused him so much stress and induced several long painful hours facing horrible heights and dreadful exams but now that it was all over, it seemed to have all flown by so quickly.

Kel's own thoughts spurred him on until finally he had come to a stop toward the end of the train, inner cheek caught between his teeth as he bit down. Inside the compartment he stopped outside of, Kel saw Newt sitting there and across from him, that same girl from the potions class earlier that year.

Not wanting to impose but not entirely knowing what to do otherwise, Kel let his indecision do its bidding and settled on leaning against the wall across the slim hall. He crossed his arms as he patiently waited for whatever conversation the two inside were having to be over.

The girl, according to Newt was no one important but Kel remembered the flush of cheeks on the boy's skin when he recounted the encounter that day in potions.

Lost and Found [Newt Scamander]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant