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"What happened? You look awful." Tina said, doting over Kel as he walked into the room. "You're burned. Do you need help?"

Kel tore his gaze from Newt as he shrugged off his coat to show Tina the fire scorch hadn't made it down to flesh. "I was in Egypt working a dragon breeders case. No harm done."

"What kind of dragon?" Newt asked abruptly, breaking out of his trance. He flushed and ducked his head, tilting it away so he was looking more at Kel's trousers and shoes than anything.

Kel smiled at the way Newt's ears seemed to prick up the moment he had mentioned any sort of magical creature. "Peruvian Vipertooth."

"Those are venomous, they are. In the fangs that is." Newt rambled, still looking at Kel's shoes. "Harvey Ridgebit discovered that when he caught one. I've never seen, but It's documented closely. S-still that doesn't explain the flames. A mutation?" He tilted his head as if solving a mathematical equation on the ground. His head lifted, eyes flickering over Kel's briefly before retreating to his jacket as he studied the burns.

"Illegal mating by a covert breeder." Kel explained. "It's all well and handled... Who's this?" Kel finished his thought, redirecting the conversation to another man in the room. The same one he had seen hunched in the cornerback in what he assumed to be his home.

"This is Jacob Kowalski." Queenie said, whisking herself into the main room from the kitchen tucked just behind the viewing vicinity of the door. She wore a midnight blue dressing gown, the front dipping low but still clung to her body in a way that suggested she'd never looked less than beautiful for even a single moment. "He's a No-Maj." She giggled.

"Hello," Jacob said. He was sitting on the couch, pillows supporting him; comforting him. His face was distinctly red, cheeks round as they stretched into a smile, hand waving in welcome. He had a full figure and a warm air about him that inclined Kel to respond in kind earnest even through his surprise. A closer look showed Kel a set of bite marks on Jacob's neck. He frowned and turned to Tina in question.

"Please don't report this yet. Not until we've got everything under control." Tina prayed to Kel with pleading eyes.

"I-" Kel's mouth had suddenly gone dry. "I won't." He vowed. "Just, walk me through what happened." He didn't want to have to get a team involved if he could help it.

"Then you best stay for dinner." Queenie said, gesturing for Kel to make himself comfortable. "I'm almost done. The strudel should be done any second-- ah! There we go." She beamed as a plate of strudel flew through the air, landing perfectly in the center of a dining table that had been set up. "Come on, honey."

Jacob was looking at Queenie like he'd been caught in a perpetual trance. He half stood, half floated toward her like a puppet on strings, and sat, bewildered, when the chair pulled back on its own account, waiting for him to sit.

Tina looked at Kel as if searching for any last-ditch excuse to get him out of the room but found none. "Mr. Scamander has committed a serious infracture of the national statute of secrecy." She explained, moving across the room and taking her place at the table. Queenie followed suit, sitting across from Jacob with a wistful smile and leaving two spots at both heads of the table. "And Mr. Kowalski is sick. He was bitten by one of Mr. Scamander's magical creatures and I'm going to help him find them." She gestured for Kel to sit as she studied him, gauging his response.

"That's why you're here." Queenie stated. "You were assigned to this case, weren't you?" She said, less a question than a statement. Kel knew she was a ligilimens. He could feel her prodding from the moment he'd stepped inside but instead of warding his mind off like he had been trained to do, he let himself relax. Queenie may have been able to gather as much but she wouldn't be able to dig any further.

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