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The study was a smaller room just down the hall from where Newt and Jacob were staying. Bookshelves lined one wall of the room, books and odd ornaments decorating their shelves.

Beneath, a wooden desk was pushed up against the brown of the shelves, scattered pieces of parchment and inked quills lay forgotten as if the last person to use them were in a hurry.
Kel carefully organized the piles of writing into a pile at the corner of the desk, taking care not to let his eyes fixate on any one word. With Tina allowing him to stay here, he wouldn't go about abusing that trust by reading what was not his to read.

A simple flick of his wand and the bed that was propped up against the wall fell free, descending through the air in a controlled manner until it connected with the ground with nothing more than a barely audible 'thump'.

The sheets and blankets arranged themselves as Kel turned his back and focused his attention on the cleared desk, a congress-issued typewriter sitting toward the middle back. Kel ran a hand through his hair, moving the dark curls from his face as he stared at the machine.

Tina was right. He knew he'd have to start his report eventually but even as he sat down and loaded a fresh piece of parchment in the bail, his hands were fighting against him.

The keys started pushing themselves down of their own accord even as Kel's own hands lay knotted together in front of him as he watched the beginnings of the words print themselves on the parchment.

Without so much as opening his mouth, the self-operating typewriter seemed to know every ounce of information he had learned and discovered in the past day and dutifully recorded it in Ministry fashion. Kel bit his lip as the keys punched down in the order of Newt's name, filing the according claims of muggle interference and magical beast violations, and beside it: the number 3

3 creatures missing. 3 creatures to be found. 

Kel shook his head and leaned back in the chair, hands lashing out before he could truly comprehend what he was doing.

Just as the parchment unfurled itself from the grasp of the typewriter's paper bail and began to fold the edges of itself into an origami rat to be delivered via pipes to its intended recipient, Kel's fingers caught the parchment.

He tore the paper in two and watched them scatter on the desk, suddenly rendered without life.

He stared at the two pieces as if they would suddenly combust into flames or drag themselves together and once more try to form into a traveling rat but they remained still and Kel released a breath. He stood and left the study without another look back, a sudden compulsion drawing him to the doors at the end of the hall-- doors that he knew Newt would be behind.

Would he be waiting for him to come? Would he be expecting it? Did he even want to entertain Kel in his company? He didn't know. It seemed, around Newt, he didn't know a lot of things-- things he was commonly so sure of until the boy with the golden curls was around.

For the second time that night, Kel found himself behind a door, fist raised to knock, and mind telling him to turn around and go to bed. The only difference now, was that the door before him was already open, a thin light passing through and landing on the flooring by Kel's right foot.

He paused, and listened. Nothing. Not even Jacob, who had looked so close to death's door at dinner, was not making a sound.

Frowning, Kel pushed the door open slowly and stepped inside.


It was obvious two bodies had once occupied the two small beds pushed up against opposing walls but they were now deserted, the only thing to indicate they had been here in the first place was Newt's suitcase.

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