ATTENTION!!! (Cross-posted from FimFiction!)

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Hello Readers of "A Walking Chestnut," This is your author speaking.
I am putting this chapter here to tell everyone that I will be discontinuing the story, and have no current plans on continuing it.

I believe that I have made several big mistakes in the writing of this story, and do not believe I have the talent to fix them while still keeping the story going, so I will simply be dropping this work.

It is a sad thing, seeing as I had an entire story and overarching plot, exploring the mystery of why the Human's became Pokemon? How they got to Equestria? Who the mysterious Pontiff is? What was the deal with the Legendary Pokemon (Only shown as Jirachi and Kyurem(Somewhat))? Will our MC ever get to go home? What does all of this mean for the nature of the world of MLP?

And the worst part, is that I didn't plan on it.
This story started off with me not wanting to write an MLP story, but a Pokemon story, with an original twist on the genre. I got the idea after reading several Humans turned Pokemon fics on this website, and foolishly thinking that my amateur writing skills could come up with a better story.
Personally, I do believe the story that I wanted to write is much better than most of the Pokemon fics on this site, but the product that I ended up with was so far from what I wanted.

It didn't help that this was one of the first stories I actually got invested in writing ever since I cleansed myself of the filth of writing Isekai Gamer/Power fantasies. Only to end up with a string of private messages and comments early on that called me an asshole or something for making the MC a Jewish person who's part of the IDF.

Personally, I do not find it offensive to make a character with a religious background or a nationality that some might find, how should I say this... Unfavorable?
I don't know, complaining about the MC not being a straight white guy #4421 seems kinda' racist... Just joking.

Apparently, I'm not allowed to write about Israeli people who are Jewish because apparently, it's too political or something???.
Personally, I do not believe making an Israeli character part of the IDF is in any way shape or form different from making an American character an Ex-Marine who went to church on Sundays.
People write stories about Soldiers all the time, but the moment that Soldier isn't from America/is from Israel, it's somehow too political.
Some might call it "Self-Insert"y, but the only things me and Sam have in common is that we're Dudes and we live in Israel.
If that was the case, every American Man in Equestria who is written by an American author is also a "Self-Insert" even though the author and the character have barely anything in common.
I just think it's a weird double standard, and luckily the people who wrote those comments stopped harassing me soon after.
(It's not cool to go to someone's PMs and call them a fucking moron for writing a character who isn't a perfectly sterile ball of basic fluff.)

I planned on having part of Samuel's character growth in future arcs be him coming to terms with his new lease of life, and the religious implications it would have on him since he grew up in a faithful house, until his brother died and his mother committed suicide, leaving his grieving father a mess and forcing Sam to grow up much faster than he would have wanted so he could take care of his father.
And wasn't that whole thing just a big fuck-up as well?

I didn't have big plans when I started writing this story, I only wanted to write something basic, but everything evolved from there and went to the shitter.
Sam became an angry edgy teen, The entire first half of the Caninia arc was such a drag that nothing happened, I started making chapters for bonus stories with Chandelure and Changeling because I wanted a chapter to come out but Didn't know how to write the next chapter.

It was all a mess.

Lesson learned, don't try to give an MC a backstory after you already started writing.

To cut this message much shorter, I'm dropping this story, it is being discontinued.

Maybe in the future, I will do a rewrite after I get all my plans in order and finish my other fics.
But until then, I simply don't find a reason to keep this story with the "Hiatus" tag.

If I ever do indeed make a Rewrite, I will probably change the beginning chapters of the story, Samuel's earlier characterization, and much more of the plot beats.
I really fucked this whole thing up.

I want to thank everybody who's read and supported this story up until now, And I apologize for failing to meet not only my own expectations, but yours.

Thank you all for reading this far.
One last :) for the road.

A Walking Chestnut (Pokemon x MLP) (Cross post from Fimfiction)Where stories live. Discover now