Chapter 29: Freedom Over Peace 3

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Where was that tunnel?! I swear it was somewhere around here!

I'm on the hill where I dug the tunnel out of Moonbeams cave, But I can't find that damn tunnel!!!

Where is it? Where Is IT?!

I need to hurry up! The D3U are actually killing people!!!
I knew they were supposed to be Bad Guys, the antagonists of this plot in some form or the other.

But why did in the last week this story went from a CareBear-esque Cartoon to a young teen show like Orochimaru attacking the Hidden Leaf?!

Is this supposed to be the cartoon worlds way of saying things are changing? Going from Ben-10 to Alien Force all of a sudden?! Or is it just here in Caninia and when I go back to Equestria things will return to being childish and candy and rainbows and stupid?

Never mind all of that! I need to find a princess who has been trapped on the other side of a tunnel.

So where was that damn Tunnel?!

"Princess Cadance, Are all of your belongings ready for transport?" Jennino asked as she spotted Cadance walking up and down one of the corridors of the castle.

Cadance jumped is surprise when Jenn called her out "Oh! Queen Lanternlight, Don't you have errands to attend to?" Cadance tried to change the subject from what Jenn asked.

"It is fine, Delegating is a useful skill to have, But you haven't answered my question, are you and the other Equestrians ready to leave?" Jenn asked again.

After stopping in her walk back and forth from one end of the corridor to the other, Cadance moved her head as if she's thinking of an answer before sighing and replying "Yes, All the equipment and documents we brought with us are packed and ready to be moved back to the port town we first landed, We're just waiting on Blueblood and Chespin. I'm sorry we couldn't have done more to help."

"No No No, You have done more than enough!" Jenn exclaimed loudly, catching Cadance off guard with her sudden rise in volume, "It is me who should be apologizing to you! If only I was a better ruler, The D3U wouldn't have gotten as big as it had, making my sister invite you to help us."

Hearing this, Cadance swiftly replied with "No, You are a great ruler, Your subject look up to you and so quickly supported your rise to Queenship, I'm just sorry th-" Cadance was cut off by a sound coming from outside of the castle.

A few minutes before, a ground shaking explosion erupted from Katherina's castle, Now however, the sound was closer to a wild animal running through a busy street, destroying windows and signs, pushing people out of the way, the kind that is uncommon to hear but stays in your mind once you hear it.

Quickly running to the nearest window, Cadance and Jenn look outside to see.

"Is that...?" Cadance squinted her eyes in order to catch a better look at what was making all the noise.

Quickly looking at the figure that Cadance spotted, Jenn lean in only to exclaim, "It's Lycanroc!"

That quickly got Cadance's attention.

"How is he here? Shouldn't he be with Blueblood and Amber?"

"No Idea! The only way he cou- He was Holding Moonbeam in a different Cave from where he himself was!"

"So Moonbeam was a diversion the whole time?! Almost all the guards this side of Dimondia are with Blueblood and Ambrosia to catch him and he wasn't even where they thought! But if he wasn't there, Where is he going?"

Jenn listened to what Cadance told her with wide eyes, The Castle in barely protected, And Lycanroc seemingly blew up Katherina's castle, looking towards the direction he is headed...

"He's going to where Moonbeam is!" Jenn exclaimed in horror.

"That's good right? Blueblood practically has an army ready to take him down" Cadance asked.

"No! He's not going to Moonbeam, He's going to where she is, where right now another important person is. The only other known Human in Caninia." Jenn said, looking at the figure of Lycanroc running on all fours towards the hills outside the city of Dimondia.

Once what Jenn said registered with Cadance, she quickly jumped out the window and flew after him.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Jenn screamed in shock.

Cadance stopped mid-air and turned to look Jennino in the eyes, and with a voice that lacked any of the fear or trepidation she previously felt as she walked the corridor, She said "Chespin is my friend, I am going to save him" And so she flew away. Chasing after Lycanroc.

Looking at the pink Alicorn flying farther away from the castle, Jennino couldn't help but mutter under her breath as she watched the Princess of Love go help someone who until a few days prior was a complete stranger.

"Those Damn Ponies, Always so friendly"

Where is that damn tunnel?!

I'm sure it was right here, You could see the top of the buildings in Dimondia so it should be around this area.
But I can't find it!

Why couldn't satellite imagery be invented yet? I at least know how to work with those.

In any case, The Tunnel should still be close by, All I need to do is keep searching.

"What are you searching for?"

"A tunnel I dug that should-" Wait a minute.
Who asked that just now?

Turning around to find the source of the question, I am met with a pair of white furred paws with long, sharp, brown nails.
Looking a bit higher I am met with the face of a Pokemon.
A Lycanroc to be specific.

It's teeth looked as sharp as knives and his eyes were mostly red, with a single dark-green ring in the middle.

"Hello there" The Lycanroc said.

And I did the first thing that came to my mind at that moment.

"Pocket sand!" I yelled as I hit him in the knee with a Vine Whip before I used Rollout to get the hell away from there.

"Augh Dammit! Get back here!" He yelled before I heard him start running after me.

Rolling downhill means that I am moving very fast, and soon enough I find myself rolling through a small forest growing outside the city limits.

"I just want to talk!" I heard him call out after me, soon I arrive at a clearing between the trees and stop my roll.

I turn back to look at him as he enters the clearing.

"That was mighty rude of ya', I just want to talk" Lycanroc says as he stops a few meters away from me, far enough so I wouldn't be able to hit him with Vine Whip before he starts approaching.

"What do you want from me?" I ask, my eyes darting around the clearing searching for a plan to escape in case things suddenly get hostile.

"I'll repeat, I just want to talk with another human, because that's what you are, right? A human, just like me?"

"Yeah, okay fine then-" I say as I try to relax my posture before I look him in the eyes and answer.

"You wanted to talk? Fine, let's talk"

A Walking Chestnut (Pokemon x MLP) (Cross post from Fimfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें