Chapter 23: Martial Law.

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"What the hell did you do?!"

Deep in the abandoned mines beneath the capital city, Dimondia, A Dachshund was yelling at a group of taller Dogs carrying several burlap sacks.

"Y'See boss, We got told to get the Pony politicians and bring them here, so we did" One of the Dogs told the shorter Canine.

"I Understand that you fool! I meant What Did you do to get the Pony Diplomats, Who told you to get the pony diplomats, And why the hell, if you succeeded in that Foolish mission, are the pony diplomats not here?!" He yelled back, grabbing the fur on his head and stretching it, as if trying to tear it off.

The sack carrying Dogs looked at each other before simultaneously opening their mouths.

"Alex told us to-" "-we grabbed sleep canisters and-" "-The Castle had bad security so we-" "-We grabbed this Rat thing then-" "-You're not mad at us are you?" The Dogs answered together in a jumbled mess of words.

The Dachshund, Sir Rockefeller, the right hand man of President Lycanroc and co-founder of the D3U took a deep breath.

He then promptly told the Dogs to go get Alex and throw him off a ledge.

Now with two problems taken care of, one of how to deal with the group of Idiots that apparently broke into Princess Lanternlight's Castle and Puppynapped a diplomat from Equestria. And second of dealing with the fool that told them to do that in the first place. Leaving him with problem 3.

How is he going to salvage the situation without having Equestria declare war on the D3U.

The Plan was going so well, Queen Katherina had no choice but to give the throne to Lycanroc.
The Political scandal of allowing them to kill Princess Moonbeam would ruin the public support of her.
The D3U Was in a situation where they win either way.

And now these stupid idiots had to go and ruin everything by kidnapping an Equestrian.

Caninia isn't built to go to war with the ponies, should any harm come to the Equestrian, it would cause an international incident where they, The D3U, would be the instigators.

Sir Rockefeller had to think of a plan to salvage this mess before Lycanroc will hear about what had happened and try and do something to fix it.

As much as Rockefeller supported the Dog, He knew that Lycanroc would just make things worse.
And Also, this is now a very delicate situation.

And if Lycanroc was going to be a Hammer, Sir Rockefeller had to be a Scalpel.

"What do you mean he's been taken?! Your job description is in the title, You Guard. How can you stand there and tell us that the main thing that you were supposed to guard, was unguarded?!" Blueblood was not having a good day.

It started when the Horse drawn carriage decided to stop outside of Dimondia. It then got slightly better with him and his cohorts leaving a positive impression on the royalty of the land.
Sadly the royalty that had the good impression is the group in opposition of the ones that invited them to Caninia in the first place.
The day then went from better back to worse by having Lycanroc, self proclaimed president and leader of the D3U, proclaim out to the city that he has Princess Moonbeam Twinkletail hostage, and will execute her in little more than 24 hours if Queen Katherina doesn't step down from her position as ruler of Caninia.

Given that all this information had to be translated by the Diamond Dog Princesses and Mr Cohen, he had to take it with a grain of salt at first. At least until they all went to the Traditionalist Royal Castle, where Queen Katherina Proudpaws and Princess Jennino Lanternlight got into a heated argument.
Samuel Cohen was taken for a talk with Princess Fiona Floppyears, that seemed to leave a sour taste in him if the face he made when he left the castle was anything to go by.

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