Chapter 28: Freedom Over Peace 2

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"Hey Twilight?" Spike the Dragon says, hoping to gain his older sisters attention.

"What is it Spike? As you can see I'm kind of busy right now" The purple Unicorn answers while she taps a glass cylinder with a bubbling liquid inside of it.

The two are currently in the remodeled basement of the Golden Oaks Library. Twilight is using the now basement turned laboratory to find magical differences between Pegasus feathers and Griffon feathers. Thanks to Rainbow Dash and her visitor from out of town, Gilda the Griffon.

"Well, as we know Samuel is currently on the mission in Caninia, right?" The dragon starts.

"Yes Spike, Samuel is with Cadance and Prince Blueblood on a diplomatic mission to Caninia" She answers absentmindedly as she carefully places Rainbow Dash's feather into one of the glass tubes.

"Okay so I was thinking, Why don't we do something for him when he gets back. We both know he didn't want to go. So... Why not do something for him" Spike explained, thinking back to how Samuel was when he was dragged in rope to the castle.

"That sounds wonderful Spike, we can continue talking about this when I'm not occupied." Twilight Ground out as she carefully levitated another glass tube with Gilda's feather closer to the bubbling liquid.

"Sure sure, But I mean, what could we do? Only Fluttershy and I can speak with him, I don't think he'd like being around Rainbow Dash" Spike continued to say, thinking about how Rainbow Dash was the reason Twilight even managed to catch him in the first place.

"Spike..." Twilight said with a warning tone of voice as her eyes were glued to the Pegasus feather changing color from Blue to Grey in the bubbling liquid.

"And, I don't think he met Rarity or Pinkie Pie yet, so how would he even react to them being there?"

"Spike..." Twilight tried to catch his attention to be quiet as she wrote down the results of the Pegasus feather on a piece of paper before levitating Gilda's feather into an identical tube of liquid.

"So maybe, It could be just the three of us? Maybe invite Fluttershy and Angel since she can speak with him and the bunny hangs out with him sometime."

As soon as the Griffon feather enters the tube of liquid, it quickly starts to smoke, filling the room with the smell of coals and for some odd reason, rust. Quickly rushing out of the basement, coughing the smoke out of their lungs, the two catch their breath in the entrance to the library.

"*Cough* So *Cough Cough* What do you think? *Cough*" Spike manages to finish, hoping for Twilight to agree with his idea.

"Cough* What I think Spike *Cough*, Is that right now, *Cough Cough* Samuel is having a way better time than us *Cough Cough*"

I am Having a horrible time right now.

It all started when an explosion sounded from inside Dimondia, seeing as we are currently on one of the hills surrounding the city, the explosion must have been huge to be hear all the way over here.

That wasn't the horrible part, no, the horrible part was when one of the Guard Dogs in the small team that's following me to pick up Princess Moonbeam shouted something before he stabbed one of the other guards.

He was quickly stabbed back by the third Dog, but seeing as it was a team of three and now one of them is bleeding and the other is dead, that leaves them with only one Dog and myself.

"I don't know what's gotten into him" The one remaining Dog said as he looks down at the bleeding Dog, the one that killed the first guard, "But we can't leave him like this, Sir Chespin," He turns to look at me and that was when I knew that this day, the day that started with me trapped in a cave far underground is going to go from bad to worse.

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