Chapter 25: A Wolf, A Chestnut and A Dog.

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The sound of gunshots rang out around the mountain, Miners ran up slopes of mud, their rifles hanging from their shoulders.

"We'll be able to reach that bastard Chafin soon and get our Jobs back! Just another Mile!" A middle aged man wearing overalls and covered in dust and sweat shouted over the loud noise.

The Year was 1921, In the American State of West Virginia.
With the Rise of Union Labor, Coal Mining Companies decided to hire Yellow-Dog Contract workers in order to save money on their work, subsequently firing all the workers who joined the then popular United Mine Workers Union.

With strikes breaking out in order for the miners to get their jobs back and demand for better pay, things soon got violent.

It was known as the Battle of Blair Mountain, The Largest armed uprising in the United States of America since the Civil-War.

"Just got to shoot him a bunch and we're done here, No Problem" Another older man chuckled as he pat a younger man on the shoulder.

That younger man had a head of orange hair and a stubble growing on his chin, his eyes we're tired from countless nights of waking up in the middle of them to hear screams and gunshots of other miners, but he marched on.

He wanted his job, he didn't want to be treated like a slave by the mine owners.

He Wanted Freedom, even if he had to fight for it.

Freedom Over Peace, That was the motto his grandfather taught him when he spoke of his time in the Union Army during the civil war.

His Grandfather fought for the freedom of others, and now here he is, fighting for a similar goal.

Jeremiah "Jeremy" Anderson was young compared to the other miners, only 25 years old, but he felt like being on that mountain, fighting the oppressive Coal companies to bring stable jobs to the people, That was something a hero would do.

Sure, he knew he most probably be thrown into a prison when the battle ends, armed uprising aren't exactly legal, but he didn't care.

For the past few months, Jeremy Anderson was a hero.
and as he climbed the mountain, his rifle dangling on his back, he failed to notice the homemade explosive being thrown next to his feet.

His last fought as the explosion took him were that same motto his Grandfather taught him.

Freedom Over Peace.

President Lycanroc was not only a leader for the workers and the poor of Caninia, He was a symbol.

A symbol of uprising against the oppression of the higher class, of struggling against a foe that seems impossible to triumph, and succeeding.

Those were the thought the members of the D3U had on Jeremiah Anderson AKA President Lycanroc.

Freedom Over Peace, The idea that they shouldn't lie on their backs and let the rich and powerful elite walk over them, They were the workers, they were the miners, the Backbone of Caninia, And they deserved more than what they got for their hard work.

When Rex Rockefeller, a bastard child of an aristocrat from Dimondia, heard of the strange Diamond Dog that stood in the center squares of towns and villages, preaching his Ideal that they, the people, should unionize and demand better treatment from the monarchy, He knew he found someone unique.

It takes a special kind of Brave (Or Stupid) To openly insult the ruling class of Caninia, not after what the late King Stardust did those who opposed him.

A Walking Chestnut (Pokemon x MLP) (Cross post from Fimfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora