Innocence Shattered

Start from the beginning

 "You should have thought about the consequences before causing a scene." Namjoon added with a hint of frustration.

"Now everyone will look at us differently, thanks to you." Jimin said irritated.

"Yeah, Jungkook, why can't you just focus on your studies and not make trouble?" Taehyung said frustrated.

Feeling overwhelmed and hurt by his family's accusations, Jungkook couldn't bear it anymore. Finally, in frustration, He speak up  "Is that all you care about? Your precious company's reputation? What about me? Do you even care how I feel?" His voice breaking.

"Jungkook, we've had enough of your trouble. You need to think about the family." His dad said dismissively.

 "You're being selfish. Our family name is important." His mom got  frustrated.

 "Maybe you're right! Maybe I don't fit into this perfect family image you want. But I won't let you blame me for everything! I'm not staying here." Jungkook yelled at them being irritated and stormed out of Mr. Lee's office, leaving his family behind. 

He ran to the university terrace for some fresh air and to clear his mind. Frustration showed in every step as he paced around the terrace.

Suddenly, a strong hand appeared, pulling him into a firm embrace. Jungkook looked up, startled, and saw his bully, Junho, 

"Leave me, you freak!" Jungkook yelled, forcefully pushing the boy away. But Junho seemed unbothered as he  looked at Jungkook with a ugly stare and evil smile.

Irritated, Jungkook  manage to pushed him and attempted to leave, but Junho grabbed his hand, forcefully pulling him in front of him.

"Where do you think you're going?" Junho said.

 "Let me go, I don't want any trouble."

Junho's eyes darkened, "Trouble found you. You're not leaving ! I've been waiting for this."

Junho took some steps towards him dangerously and Jungkook started backing up. But his back stumbled with a hard wall and he felt he was trapped !Fear etched on Jungkook's face "What do you want?"

"Everything you owe me, Jungkook. It's payback time."  Junho smirked while putting his one hand on his head's side .


The principal had proof from security footage and quickly called the Kim family for a meeting to sort things out.

 "Thank you all for being here. I've carefully reviewed the security footage from today's events, and I believe it's crucial to share the truth with you."

The principal showed the evidence, clearly displaying Jungkook being bullied and trying to defend himself. The footage also revealed Professor Lee's unfair reporting, which caused the misunderstanding.

"It's important to recognize that Jungkook was a victim here. I apologize for any upset caused by the misunderstanding," The principal apologized.

Mr. Kim, visibly angered, turned to Professor Lee "Explain yourself. How could you twist the facts like this?"

Professor Lee tried to explain himself, but the principal intervened firmly. "Mr. and Mrs. Kim, I want to assure you that such behavior is not tolerated at our school. Because of this incident and Professor Lee's actions, I will fire him."

The announcement shocked everyone. Professor Lee was let go immediately, understanding the seriousness of his actions.

"I'm dedicated to keeping things fair for all students. Let's move forward together for their well-being."

Jungkook x BTS[ BTS as Brothers one- short Stories] Book-2 Where stories live. Discover now