"Woah I'm no—"

"Alyssa I'm sorry can you call Tommy" I say begging she calls security.

"What's going on out here?" I hear and turn to see Anna standing there with her hands on her hips.

"I need to speak to Anna Cotour" Olivia screams right in my ear.

"I'm her. Can I help y-"

"You're the bitch sleeping with my fiancé" she screams again and now I take a step back. We are not engaged.

"Excuse me!?" Anna says and laughs.

"You kept her out all night last night and other nights too." Olivia says and she makes no sense at all. I literally always tell her where I am and who I'm with and usually I'm here or home. I get out of here at 4 and I'm home by 4:30 texting or calling her the entire way.

"Liv let's go. You're causing a scene for absolutely no reason. She is my boss and that is it." I yell grabbing her and pushing the button for the elevator to come up.

"No you can't just expect me to not confront the person who's ruining our marriage." She yells at me

"We're not married, not engaged. And you need to leave." I say calmly and the elevator doors open.

I push her inside and then step out watching her face pull several different ones.

"You're not coming." She asks

"I'm done Liv. This has to stop." I say and I'm so fucking embarrassed to be doing this here infront of my boss.

"If you don't come with me I'll—"

"I'd refrain from whatever your about to say because if it comes out in anyway close to a threat I'll have you arrested right now." Anna says cutting her off. Stepping up right behind me.

Olivia laughs before I step back letting the doors close to which she yells "I should've known"
*flashback over*

Anna's the one who explained to me the things she was doing was not healthy and it didn't mean she loved me. How having to text her every hour, or send pictures of what I was wearing each day was not healthy. How cutting off all my friends or openly flirting with my friends infront of me was not okay. And especially when she would make me take shots with her and I'd wake up naked in the living room alone.

"Anna I'm not sure what to do. Every time I see her I just want to drown my feelings in alcohol. I can't even bring myself to tell scar because I can't take seeing her look at me with pity, or worst. Disgust."

"She wouldn't look at you like that. She loves you and cares for you but she just wants to help you y/n. You need to talk to her." She says

"I know I do. I've tried calling all night but she didn't answer."

"She's with Lizzie. Go to her. Fix this before you fall back into that deep hole."

"Can you drive me to Liz's?" She shakes her head no

"I have meetings to get to. Call me later ok?" She says before exiting my bedroom.

I guess I have to put on my big girl pants and stop being a little douche.
I take a shower and put on jeans and a nice top. On the way to Lizzie's I buy coffee and a bunch of flowers and a stuffed animal for Rose even though I know she's not here. When I pull up to Lizzie's gate I realize it's not unlocked so I have to be buzzed in. I hit the buzzer waiting for an answer.


"Liz can I come in please?"

"I don't think so y/n. Scarlett's pretty mad."

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now