Chapter 2

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One moon passes and Ivy'Kit needs her ceremony. The day passed fastly and before the sunset, the leader called a meeting.
  -All cats old enough to swim the flowing waters come to hear my word!
Every cat came close to see Ivy'Kit in front of the rock looking at her leader.
- With StarClan next to me I call my ancestors to turn their gaze apon this kit, he turned his view at Ivy. Ivy, you have turned the age of 6 moons, when you become an apprentice. With the power of StarClan I now name you Ivy'Paw. And, I give you a mentor, that will teach you well,.Blood'Fang, do you accept to mentor this apprentice?
  -Yes, Broken'Star, I will teach her all my knowledge! An exited voice was heard from the crowd.
Ivy expected a large black Tom, with giant scars, only to see a reddish She-cat with dark red stripes approaching her.
-Then, it's settled! Meeting over!Said Broken'Star jumping off the Big Rock.
Ivy touched noses with her mentor, still surprised to have a female mentor, she didn't know that was possible, thinking that only Toms could be mentors, but accepted it, happy to be a apprentice.
-Ivy! Come here! It was her mom.
She ran to her mom, her mentor following her.
-Hello Ivy, and Blood'Fang!
-Hello,Witherd'Claw. Your daughter seems like a good hunter. I see when she plays with the leaves, throwing them up in the sky, then pins them down.
-But it's just from instinct!
Blood'Fang was surprised, almost knowing she's great warrior material.
Ivy'paw saw her brother, Litghting'Strike, coming.
-Hey mom! Hey sis! Wait... who are you?! Said Ivy's brother, unleashing his claws and getting into fighting position.
-I'm her mentor! She hissed, jumping and pinning him down to the ground.
Lightning'Strike leashed his claws and lowered his ears. Somehow, blushing.
-Ummm.he said getting out of her force. I'm s-sorry.
Ivy saw him blushing, but she didn't understand.
-Bro? Why is your face red?
-ITS NOT! he said, almost falling.
  -Actually, I-I'm sorry. she said, feeling the same way. I got overprotective and pounced on you.
Blood'Fang went to the fresh-kill pile to grab something to eat, and Lightning'Strike stayed with her mum and sister.
-What was that about?! Ivy's mom asked. You're not doing whatever that was!
-Mom! He shushed her. I got scared and that's why I blushed!
Ivy knew he was lying, she could feel it in her paws.
-Anyways. his mother continued. I heard that Gold'sparrow's kits are almost ready for there ceremony. Well ,actually, just Gas'Kit and Cloud'kit. But still, what if StarClan chooses you to be one of there mentor!
-That would be nice, wait, are those them?
Ivy'paw turned her view to the left, seeing the dark brown kit laying on the moss, and his sister, cloud'kit, grooming her light grey pelt with a white stomach and white paws.
-She looks very pretty! Ivy said. Whoops...did I say that out loud?
Cloud'kit felt good to be complimented but shut up.

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