Chapter 5

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-That's not possible! I'm not worthy to be a medicine cat!
-Yes you are, Ivy'Paw, I Saw how you cured your mom
-But the cat told me so!
-Classic old Foxy! Rusty'Feather laughed.
-Foxy? Who's that?
-Fox'Tail. She was my former apprentice, until....He paused, she got killed by another cat in battle. I said I would revenge her, but I never did. Star was the one that killed her, to this day I don't know where they are.
-Wait, I'm seeing dead people?!
-Yes and no Ivy'Paw. Those are StarClan cats, they will be your best friends from now on. Come on, we have to tell the leader, tomorrow is the half moon, when med apprentices are named.
Ivy walked out of the den with her new mentor and walked to the leader.
-Rusty'Feather, Ivy'paw, what's wrong?
-Can I talk with you and Ivy alone?
-Sure! Come to my den.
Ivy walked into the leaders den. Rusty'Feather ordered her to sit down with a movement of the tail.
-What seems to be the problem? Broken'Star asked.
-There's no problem,Rusty'Feather started, StarClan is telling me that Ivy should be my apprentice.
Broken'Star looked from Rusty'Feather to Ivy'paw, shocked by the information he just received.
-Are you sure? Maybe it's just a misunderstanding.
-No, Ivy, tell him what you saw.
-I-I saw a cat, apparently Fox'Tail. She was the one that told me how I could help my mom, and then tried telling me that I'm... one of them? I think that's what she said.
Broken'Star shivered sadly when he heared the name Fox'Tail.
-Fox'Tail was his younger sister,Rusty'Feather whispered to Ivy'paw.
-Ohhh, ok, Ivy'paw whispered back.
-Ok then, Broken'Star said, Il call a meeting to inform the clan.
-Thank you, Broken'Star, Rusty'Feather said.
Ivy'paw and Rusty'Feather headed to the big rock, where the leader called a meeting.
-Today, we found out that StarClan is giving Rusty'Feather another apprentice.
A murmur was heard in the clan.
-What's happening? Blood'Fang asked Ivy, who was sitting next to her. I hope it's not what I think it is.
-Silence! Broken'Star growled. And I think everyone remembers what happened this morning, with Ivy'Paw.
A calm murmur of acceptance spread around the camp.
-And Rusty'Feather figured out that Ivy'Paw is the apprentice sent from StarClan!
A murmur of disbelief was heard in the camp.
-No! Ivy what?! Blood'Fang said. You were okay with this?
-It's StarClans choice, not mine. said Ivy, realizing she sounded more wise and thoughtful than she felt or was.

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