Press Conference

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"Ladies and Gentlemen , I, Kittisak Jones, welcome and thank you all for coming in such a short notice. I won't waste your time and come directly to the point. The news circulating in media today, is just to demean my company. We are doing such a high quality work that our rivals need to find such petty tricks to drag us down. I hope everybody gets to understand that Jones' businesses have nothing to do with Demon and his immoral works. We are fully committed to the betterment of our society. Thank you!" Kittisak gave his speech with utmost confidence.

"Anybody can ask questions now" The manager followed up to continue the conference.

"Sir, there are proofs of your company's stamp being used on the official paper work of the port. What can you say about that?" A journalist asked him

"Simple, an employee who we thought was very loyal, betrayed us to help Demon and our rivals. We will answer this thievery according to our policies and rules. Next"

"We got to know that you are announcing a new successor but what about your eldest son VJ?"

"Um... He has left us... for becoming a monk and achieving something bigger than monetary. Next"

"Thank you. I would like to know what do you think must be in the empty containers found inside the ship and who could have killed all the people on the ship?"

"I am sorry I don't know the answer because as I said I have no connection with those guys"

"But I know!" A squeaky little voice came from behind interrupting the press con "You are asking the wrong man about Demon. I know about him" It was the young boy and his sister who Praya had rescued.

"Who the hell is this kid?" Kittisak whispered to his Manager.

"Sir, it's one of the kids who were saved"

"Can I come on stage sir?" He asked very politely.

Although Kittisak was angry at him for disturbing the event, he couldn't refuse his courteous request, so he just nodded. All the cameras, lights and mics pointed at him following the noise of clicks and blinding flashes as he walked the aisle hand in hand with a little girl, both dressed in western formals. The manager took the boy aside and instructed him not to say anything that will ruin the whole plan.

"Rest assured sir, I will not say anything about your company even though I am really grateful for P'Ya's help" The way of speaking he had, left the Manager confused. He couldn't believe that such young children can speak with this level of confidence. 

"Hello everyone! My name is Prayut and this is my little sister Som. We are- were the children of a very rich couple. Demon kidnapped us in front of our parents during our supposedly peaceful vacation in Australia and when they revolted, he killed them. Many other kids were kept in dungeons and later transferred to a ship. He was going to auction us all to rich but terrible humans." In his baby voice, he was saying some pretty traumatizing stuff without any emotions on his face. He once looked over to Praya and Celine who were sitting in the first row and the siblings bowed down to them. He also saw Heidi and Praifah, who were doing a thumbs up to cheer him up. 

They were the ones who brought Prayut and Som to the press conference after he requested. Although, Heidi took them to the mall to dress up, all the fashion sense was Prayut's. She got self-conscious after seeing the dresses he chose for Som.  

"So Prayut, how did you and your friends got out safely from the ship? As you might know the ship was full of dead bodies, if there was an attack then you could have gotten hurt?" A journalist immediately asked him. Kittisak got worried about the answer Prayut would give, he even eyed the Manager to take Prayut down the stage. But he stood firmly and answered everything very clearly.

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