Be My Faen?

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"Let it be nuu... we both will sleep on my bed. This marks the end of discussion ok?" Praya said just to lower the tension while staying in the same position. But this only further increased it.

"Us i-in yo-your bed!!!" Celine couldn't believe what Praya just said especially when just a few hours ago Praifah called them lovers. This would definitely add to her suspicions.

Just then Praifah barged in with extra pillows and blanket for their guest. As soon as she saw them in that awkward position she smirked. Both the girls got startled and sat normally on the bed again.

"Mae told me to give these to you.. but I don't think you need them. You can be each other's pillow and blankets. Still I will put them here coz otherwise mae will scold me" She walked out of the room but suddenly came in again "Close the door next time ok?" She winked and went for sure this time.

"She is like that... don't mind her" Praya said as she got up for closing the door but Celine on the other hand had butterflies in her stomach with all that was happening so suddenly. 

"So your day was quiet exciting huh?" Praya said to lighten the mood and then layed down on the bed but also made sure that it had enough space for Celine. 

"Yeah!! I got to learn so much about spying. Your sister is sooo good at it!" 

"You can call her P'Prai... we all call her that. Heidi came up with that name when we were kids" 

"Oh ok... her name is too long so i guess this is a good idea" Celine smiled and layed down beside Praya "How was your day? Had any adventures like me?"

"My day wasn't as adventurous as yours..." Praya started telling her whatever happened that day but she didn't tell her about the conversation with Heidi and Tina. 


(Earlier that day)

Praya and Tina went to talk to Heidi to gather further information. They got to know about some of the places where VJ had been meeting dealers in the past. Their plan was to go to those places to search but Heidi told them that they would find nothing there. In between of thinking what to do next, Praya took out her phone and started scrolling through her gallery. There she found Celine's selfies of the award function night.

'Damn when did she take those?... she looked so soo gorgeous that day! I miss her already...' Praya was thinking to herself.

"So when are you going to tell her, P'Praya?" Tina asks her suddenly.

"Wha- what?" 

"You obviously like her, like she is the only person who could distract you from work. So just tell her no need to wait!" 

"Tell what? To whom?" Heidi was confused as she sat on her chair with her hands tied.

"Our friend here likes 'The Daughter'" Tina said while feeding her "You should've seen what I saw yesterday! There were gonna kis-"

"YES- I like her!... but I don't know how to tell her... "

"Ok listen to me... whenever you meet her next, do this.. Tina can you please untie me for a quick sec"

"I don't need any advice from YOU" Praya still had some hard feelings for Heidi but she was trying to let go of them "But I guess I will try..."

"Yeah so, take her aside where only you two are present... then run your fingers through her hair like thiss... and tell her what you feel, like this- I have loved you for soo long... and if she looks fine with that kiss her..." Heidi does all her performance on Tina whose brain goes all haywire during that. Their lips are just inches apart when Praya disturbs their moment.

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