Under The Moonlight

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They separated to go to sleep, Sun and Kay shared a room while Maria, Celine and Praya shared another. The girls' room had separate beds for each of  them and a big balcony with sea view. It was almost 9 pm but everyone was soo tired that they hit the bed except Praya. 

She always slept late especially during missions so that she would have some time alone. Every night she talked to her father who died when she was 18 by looking at the night sky and the moon. Her father was always busy when she was little, so he told her that even if she couldn't talk to him face to face, she can tell everything to the moon because they would always be under the same sky. So now it was like her habit.

Praya went to the balcony when she heard Maria snoring. She was enjoying the cool land breeze and the view. She was thinking everything that happened today and telling it to the sky completely unaware that her other roommate was listening.

"You sure are really different from what I imagined", Celine was leaning against the wall looking at her with soft eyes.

"I could say the same thing about you too you know"

"Oh really... so what did you imagine about me?"

"Well for the starters I didn't think you would be such an eavesdropper. I also didn't think that you would be so comfortable with my team and me this easily. Usually newbies decide to leave on the day because of me."

"It was because everyone is so kind to me and till now I haven't found any aversions towards you and also I WASN'T eavesdropping. You were saying stuff and it was audible to me. Don't tell me you forgot that I was also here" she was now sitting beside Praya chuckling that she ignored her.

"What did YOU imagine about me...?" Praya was stealing glances at this girl who looked so perfect under the moonlight. If she could she would only look at her. 

"Ummm... I thought you would be flawless... I mean I didn't expect you to get a scolding from anyone. Then, I also thought that you wouldn't be this stern and cold, which changed my perspective about you... but now seeing that you have this soft side, I am very... idk surprised I guess? "

"Nobody knows the real me. Nobody even knows about this habit of mine. Y-you are the first one to see me like this. So it's fair for you to get surprised. Since before my father died, I have been doing this. It gives me peace. Also I feel like papa is near me while doing this." 

"I also lost my mum when I was very young... so young that I don't even have any memories about her. My father and my brothers raised me quiet good but I would always felt the need of my mother somewhere deep down."

"Hmmm I understand... I always miss my father too. Who is your father by the way? I mean I have never heard your name anywhere before. With the skills you possess, you would be very famous at training but then too your name and face are so new to me"

This question raised by Praya was not a new one to Celine. She was always asked about her father at her school or by her friends. She was taught how to tackle that question but right now she didn't want to lie to her. She was actually surprised that Praya didn't already know about her.

"I'm sorry I can't tell you right now... Could you please wait till I'm ready?" Celine was embarrassed saying all this while suddenly Praya holds her hand.  

"Ok I will wait for you Celine" Praya looked deep into her eyes and thought that her father must be a traitor and so she was ashamed to take his name. But her gaze made Celine feel weak to her knees. 

 She decided right then that she would not disclose her identity because she was afraid of the outcome. She could do it as now that she had joined the gang but she had no idea how people would react. Also she didn't want her teammates to treat any differently than now. She would get the treatment of a princess back at her house, but now she liked how she was treated just like everyone else. 

"You know I have never told anybody about how much I miss my mum. Not even my best friend and brothers. It's strange... I am at so much ease right now with you when I should be kind of scared"

"*smirks* Why should you be scared? It's not like I will eat you but yeah strangely enough I feel at ease too. It's like you are no intrusion at all" 

Both of them just smile and listen to the sounds of waves for sometime and then go to sleep.


Celine's first mission was a success. She was so happy and proud of herself that she was able to be of some help to her team. On reaching her home, she bragged to her father about how awesome all her teammates are and how fun it was working with them. Even though he knew everything about these people, he listened to her stories very keenly. 

"How lucky am I dad to get assigned such a wonderful team. I hope my team would like me too"

"Yes sweetheart. Now you should go and get some rest" 

Celine thought that she randomly got assigned but the reality was Kittisak specially ordered that she should get assigned to any of the Suwan sisters for the protection of his daughter. He knew he could trust that family because of the previous underboss of his gang. What he didn't know was that Celine hasn't revealed her identity to anyone yet.


"Bro I am telling you that she is awesome" Celine was talking to Sam who was in London right now enjoying his vacations.

"Looks like someone is getting a crush~~" Sam teases and laughs at her. 

"Hey! It isn't like that at all. She has been my role model... you know that tooo! I just admire her. She remains calm in difficult situations, she is cold and expressionless but has a soft side too. I really want to be a successful captain like her someday"

"You will be better than her I just know that. Put in more hard work and don't slack off just because you are THE DAUGHTER"

"I haven't even told anyone. I am even planning not to... I guess it would be better for now."

"I hope so but you won't be able to hide it long because after 2 weeks there is a big event and P'VJ said that dad is going to introduce you to everyone. I will also have to fly there for this"

"OH SHIT!!" 

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