Not Dangerous

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They had left at sharp 10 am and now it was 3:10 pm. Everybody wanted to eat lunch and use restrooms. So they made a stop at a restaurant, while others were resting Sun was guarding the caravan, they had to be attentive especially now when they were just about to enter Surat thani province. Even if they were safe in their own province, there could be danger outside.

After the halt their road trip went smoothly. They were just 1 hr away from reaching the shore where they would take a ferry ride to Koh Samui. Praya who was now in backseat of the car had a suspicion that they were being followed by 2 cars since their halt. She informed her teammates to get ready for the worst. 

Her suspicions are confirmed when one of the cars speeds up and overtakes them. Now they are surrounded by unknown rivals. The car behind them hits the caravan and a person from that car yells "Give all your valuables to us you tourist freaks and we will let you go!"

"*sigh* Now it will be fun" Praya says with a straight face as she secretly loads her gun waiting for the right time. Celine was impressed with how calm everyone was, then suddenly the car in front stops and their car crashes into it. 

Four people come out of that car with hockey sticks thinking that the people they are attacking are just rich tourists. Maria sees if everyone is okay and then jumps out of their car and punches one of them. She snatches his hockey stick and hits his head. After knocking him out she swirls the stick at another guy but he catches it and throws it away. Maria kicks his leg powerfully, the guy groans but he continues to attack. He hits Maria in the face causing a bruise on her lips. This angered her and she grabs him by his hair and rams his head on her knee. 

Meanwhile Celine also joins in to help Maria, she handles the other two people. She kicks one of them in the stomach, he bends forward due to pain. She hits him with her elbow. It wasn't even her full power but it caused substantial damage. Now only one girl out the four was left. Even though she tries to come at Celine, it was so slow that Celine just slaps her and the girl isn't able to get up.

Sun and Kay are handling the goons who are attacking from the other car. Attackers realized that they were protecting the caravan with all their might so they thought that all the valuables would definitely be hidden inside it. So, the leader of those thieves comes out of the car with a revolver intimidating Sun to handover whatever was inside. 

Till now Praya was just sitting in the car because all the fight was with bare hands and not INTERESTING ENOUGH for her. As soon as she heard "Give us whatever there is or I'll not hesitate to shoot you guys" she became slightly excited and stood up on the roof of their car with her loaded gun. She saw how Maria and Celine did not even put any effort to win the fight, which she was proud of but on the other hand saw a lady holding a fake revolver to frighten her teammates. This annoyed her and she shot 2 times in air, now all eyes were on her. 

"This one isn't fake. It will KILL you if I aim at you. Stop all this theatrics that you guys are trying to pull off and failing miserably. We do not have time for your petty nonsense." Praya was pissed at them. This called for Sun to keep her in control. He went near the car and whispered "Hey all this isn't necessary, just fight verbally like us or land a few kicks and punches like the girls. Taking out guns will create unnecessary suspicion. Keep it low!!"

She keeps her gun back inside but that was enough to scare all the goons. They all retreated at once. Within a few minutes only her teammates, a scratched caravan and a car with crashed bonnet were left on the scene. Maria tried to repair the car as soon as possible to resume their mission.


"What the hell was that! Those morons would have left if we kicked their asses, there was no need to pull out your gun!" Sun was scolding Praya for her recklessness and even though others were habitual of this it was all new for Celine. She thought that Praya was a flawless person who would never make mistakes and definitely wouldn't get scolded.

Amongst all this they reached the shore, now they had to unload and load all the cargo to the ferry. They were not using any expensive rides to avoid suspicion. Sun was unloading it while the others were giving it to Celine who was keeping every box inside the ferry. Praya had to lift 3 boxes all at once as a punishment, it wasn't that difficult for her for the first five rounds but after the sixth round all her energy was gone. She was wobbling while carrying the load of at least 30 kg. Thankfully it was the last batch but now she had no energy to climb into the boat on her own. 

Celine lend her hand to Praya. At first she was a bit hesitant to take help from a junior but then Celine gave her a beautiful smile and said, "It's okay to take help sometimes".

Praya's heartbeat increased after seeing her smile. Her hand then fluttered into Celine's and she tightened the grip. Celine pulled her onto the ferry.

"See isn't it easy to just let others help you when you are in a difficult situation?" Celine asks teasingly with a naughty smirk without realising how their faces were only inches apart.

"I just don't wanna be dependent on anyone" Praya says while closing in on the distance. Both hearts were beating loudly now. Celine bites her lips which were being starred at by Praya. Suddenly the boat starts moving and with that they both come back to their senses. Celine jerks back quickly and takes a seat next to Maria. Praya goes next to Kay to devise a plan for delivering their consignment. On the other hand Sun who had seen everything happen was just smiling.


On reaching Samui island Praya tells everyone to go to the hotel and rest except Kay. Both of them will go to deliver the goods. They deliver it in less than expected time and call Sun to tell that they would be back soon. He tells them to come to the hotel's restaurant.

"You guys are just in time. Let's have dinner now" Celine says smilingly. She is relieved after seeing them safe and sound.

"Actually Celine was the one who didn't let us eat anything till you arrived" Maria is also relieved that she can finally devour her Pad Thai with Black Saison. Praya shows a slight smile trying her best to control. 

All of them dig in their ordered food and drinks. "Another fun mission completed under the guidance of the great Praya Suwan! Let's drink and celebrate our victory!. Also the newbie performed so well I bet the captain is impressed as well..." Sun leaves no opportunity to tease Praya who is right next to him. She elbows him and gives him a side eye.

He whispers to her, "The mission wasn't dangerous I hope?"

"Not at all"

"But she is right?"

Praya looks up at Celine who is laughing at the bickering of Maria and Kay. She feels butterflies in her stomach and her heart throbbing. She puts a hand on her head and looks down again at her plate in an attempt to hide her blush. Sun laughs at her knowing she is about to lie.

"She is... also not dangerous". 

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