In Your Bed!!

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*Doorbell buzzes*

"Coming!" Celine got nervous after hearing Praya's voice coming from inside the door at which she and Praifah were standing. She was nervous the whole time in the car while driving to her house but as she was standing just inches apart from the main door, the adrenaline rush through her body was making her heartbeat crazy.

"Welcome bac-" Praya froze when she saw her teammate standing at her doorstep. Her thoughts which were initially about the food that she was cooking, shifted to 'Why is nuu here', ;'Is she really here?!'; 'Do I look good?'; 'I probably look weird due to this old, ragged apron' ; 'Do I even smell good?'.

Seeing that her sister was visibly buffering Praifah welcomed their guest in, "Hey Celine, come inside~~, Mae*! look who I brought for dinner today!" 

(Mae - used for mother in Thai language)

Their mother, who was an middle aged lady possibly in her 50s, came in the living room. A smile grew on her face seeing such a beautiful, young guest at her home. She felt very cosy and homely vibes from their guest and she pulled her into a warm hug which made Celine feel overwhelmed.

"Welcome~, are you Praifah's friend" Mae said as she slowly loosened her grip and held her arms.

"Mae, she is my team member, the one who newly joined. Her name is Celine" There was a hint of jealousy in Praya's voice. Nobody noticed it except her mother.

"Oohh, so she is yours eh?" Celine blushed a little when mae said that. "Celine, what a cute name! Dinner's almost ready, you came at the perfect time!"

Mae made Celine sit at the dinner table and chatted to her while Praya brought the food there from the counters and Praifah got freshen up. Celine felt an unknown warmth from this lady that she had never experienced before. 

"Mae! let her also get freshen up while I serve the food... Praya show her the washroom" 

"This way" Praya lead her to the washroom on that floor. 

While Celine washed her face, hands and feet quickly, Praya stood outside, waiting for her. When she came out Celine got a jump scare by seeing Praya standing so quietly in front of her. 

"Gosh!! You scared me! Don't do that again na"

"Why are you at my house? that too with P'Prai?"

"We should eat... your mom is waiting" Celine ignored her question and walked away but Praya held her hand to stop her.

"I NEED to know Celine!"

"P'Ya, calm down! We will explain it to you after dinner... and you're hurting me~"

Praya immediately let loose and apologized to her. She felt too guilty to continue the conversation so she just walked back to the table. At the table, Celine sat next to their mother. She felt very happy eating with all of them and loved the bickering of the Suwan sisters. She always thought of them as flawless beings who never lost their cool but after getting to know them personally, she got more confidence in herself that even if she makes some mistakes... that's ok and nobody is perfect!


After all of them were done eating, Celine helped in cleaning the table even if everybody requested her not to as she was the guest. She also offered in doing the dishes but was strictly denied by Praifah whose duty was to do the dishes if her sister cooked the meal.

"Now tell me nuu..." Praya told Celine. Both of them stood on the either sides of Praifah who was doing dishes. "Mae is watching T.V. so she won't be coming here or be able to hear our talk... SO tell me. What's the matter?"

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