Shower Singing

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In the tight space of their Brooklyn apartment, Beca, Chloe, and Amy couldn't do anything privately. Everything was heard through the thin walls, or see because of the lack of doors. Amy had the only bedroom, while Beca and Chloe shared a bed right in the living room. They had one tiny bathroom amongst the three women, and that was about it besides the kitchen. So, it was safe to say that their living situation was not ideal.

Like most weekend mornings, Amy had stayed out late the night before. This results in her either holing up in her room all day, or not coming home at all. Chloe usually spent the weekends at her boyfriend, Chicago's, house, leaving Beca with the place practically to herself. She liked having the time alone, and especially in the past few weekends. Ever since Chloe made it clear that her and Chicago were more than just a fling, Beca had been in a slump. She could normally force her feelings for Chloe to become dormant, but they always flared up when Chloe was with someone else. And it didn't make it any easier that Chloe was constantly acting flirty with Beca, whether she meant to or not. One of the only things Beca could do to subside her jealousy was write songs about her feelings. She kept them to herself in fear that Chloe would decipher the hidden messages about their relationship. This morning in the empty apartment, Beca sang one of her new riffs in the shower.

"We don't have to talk about it, I can walk you home and practice method acting," Beca sang.

"I'll pretend being with you doesn't feel like drowning, telling you it's nice to see how good you're doing." She continued, humming a tune with it.

"Singing about someone again?" A familiar voice said.

"What the hell?!" Beca exclaimed. She was frightened by the company, especially since she was the only one home.

"Oh don't freak out. It's not like I haven't seen you naked before." The voice said again.

This time Beca could make out the figure standing outside of the shower to be Chloe. Her red hair was hard to be mistaken as someone else's. She slid open the foggy door just enough to peek her head out of the shower.

"Why are you home?" Beca asked.

"Well I do pay rent here!" Chloe teased.

"I just meant I assumed you'd be with Chicago since it's Saturday."

"Amy didn't tell you?" Chloe asked.

"Tell me what?" Beca questioned.

"Chicago and I broke up when you were on your work trip. I didn't want to text you, but I assumed Amy would have."

"Shit, Chlo. What happened?" Beca said. She couldn't help a smirk from forming at the news of the breakup.

"I'm not really in the mood to talk about it. Let's talk about that song you were singing." Chloe said.

"What song?" Beca asked, playing dumb.

"Da da da duh... method acting... doo doo do" Chloe half-ass sang.

Beca giggled at her horrible attempt at remembering the lyrics.

"It's just something for work." Beca lied.

"You never write for work." Chloe rebutted.

"I do now." Beca said, becoming slightly frustrated.

"Was it about someone?" Chloe asked.

"Kind of," Beca muttered as she turned off the water, "Can you hand me a towel?"

Chloe handed Beca a towel through the cracked shower door, still skeptical of the song.

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