One Bed

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This whole thing is just fluff but hopefully you enjoy!

Beca and Chloe had become friends-ish during Beca's first couple months at Barden. Chloe loved Beca, but the feelings weren't super reciprocated. Beca didn't have any real problem with Chloe, she just found her constant optimism to be annoying. They were polar opposites, but Chloe didn't seem to mind that. She wanted to be Beca's friend despite the other girl's disinterest.

This weekend, the Bellas were going on a retreat. They hadn't bonded much since forming as a new group, so Aubrey decided it would be a good idea. Each girl was paired with another for the weekend in hopes of them becoming friends by the end. Beca and Chloe had been placed together thanks to Chloe pulling some strings with Aubrey. She knew it was her only chance at possibly getting Beca to like her back.

"Girls, you ready?" Aubrey shouted from the foyer. Amy was in the bus waiting outside for the Bellas to load up.

"Here, let me help." Chloe said, offering a hand to Beca. She had three massive duffel bags, and she could barely get them down the stairs.

"I got it." Beca responded dryly.

"Maybe this wouldn't be so easy." Chloe thought.

The girls all loaded their bags into the bus and climbed on. It was almost 2 hours away, and each pair of girls was also paired up on the bus. They had to share the same row, but the isle separated them. Most pairs sat in their isle seats so that they could chat most of the way. Beca on the other hand sat snug against the window with her headphones on. She was blocking any possible contact with Chloe.

After the silent bus ride there, Chloe was determined to turn things around. While Aubrey got everyone checked in, Chloe attempted some small talk with Beca.

"So, are you excited to swim?" Chloe asked.

"Eh, I guess. I'm going to get burnt." Beca responded.

"That's ok, I burn easy too. You can borrow my sunscreen."


Chloe didn't quite know where to go from there, so she took a pause.

"Aubrey said there's a bonfire tonight!" Chloe said eventually.


"Great. Another shut down." Chloe thought.

"Girls, your bunk assignments are ready!" Aubrey said, turning away from the front desk.

"Bunks? Are we at summer camp?" Beca asked.

"Actually, Beca, you don't have a bunk." Aubrey said.

Beca looked relieved, but Chloe looked confused. She knew from Aubrey that all of the two person rooms had bunks.

"The lodge messed up the amount of cabins we needed, so you guys have a single room. You'll have to figure out sleeping arrangements." Aubrey said, shrugging her shoulders. She dropped the keys for the cabin into Chloe's hand.

"Great." Beca muttered under her breath.

The girls all made their way to their cabins, which were all near one another. Beca lugged her bags down the path, once again refusing help from Chloe. Once everyone had set their bags down, it was time for the bonfire. It was already close to 8pm, and Aubrey had them on a pretty strict schedule. Tomorrow morning they had to be up and at em by 8am to go on a hike, so Aubrey wanted them in their bunks early.

"Aubrey texted me that everyone's heading down. You ready?" Chloe asked Beca.

"Guess so." Beca replied, grabbing her hoodie. The pair headed down the path to the big campfire.

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