Snow Storm

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Hey guys... third part! I really like writing these but give me tips/requests!!

January in Boston is never warm, but when the power goes out not even your house is warm. Massachusetts had been getting nonstop snow for the past week, and the inevitable power outage finally arrived.

Beca liked the cold, and she liked the comfort of being inside her little apartment in Boston. She had moved in after graduating from Barden, which was almost 3 years ago now.


Chloe on the other hand hated the cold. She had moved out to San Diego, across the country from Beca. Chloe stilled missed Beca like crazy, but they both knew the long distance didn't work out.

Well now they didn't have to be so far away, because Chloe was on a work trip to Boston. She was so giddy at even the idea of somehow running into Beca.

Chloe didn't know how to tell Beca she was in town, mostly because they hadn't spoken for over a year. There were no hard feelings, they just decided it would be easier to let each other go that way.

When the city-wide power cut came though, Chloe knew she had to text Beca.

--Hey Becs, it's Chlo. I happen to be in Boston for work and you're the only person I know here. All my meetings were cancelled because of the power outage, want to kill some time with me?--

Chloe was always the more straightforward of the two girls, but still, she couldn't believe she just asked to meet up after such a long break.


Beca saw the text come through right away, and she thought it was a joke. She missed Chloe so much, and she finally was starting to get over their breakup. This text was not helping.

--Are you serious Chloe? If this is really you, come over to my apartment. I haven't moved since I came to Boston, so you know where to find me.--

Chloe had helped Beca move in when she first came to Boston. That was one of the last times they saw each other in person. From then on it was only texts and calls which faded away to nothing eventually.

Beca could not believe this was happening, but she was so ready. She started cleaning up her place, knowing Chloe would make some comment about the mess otherwise.

*knock knock*

Holy shit. Beca practically sprinted to the door.

She opened the door to see her best friend, the girl she had been in love with since freshman year of college.

"Hi Beca," Chloe said with a grin.

Beca had no words. She pulled Chloe in for the tightest hug.

"I've missed you so much, Becs."

"You have no idea, Chlo."


The girls spent the whole afternoon catching up, but kept a very friendly dynamic the whole time.

"So, Chloe, where have you been staying while you're here?"

"Just some random hotel a couple blocks down. It's been miserable ever since last night when we lost power."

"You're welcome to stay here if you want. I only have one bedroom, but it's not like we haven't shared before." Beca started reminiscing of their time spent in the Bella house where they both shared a room with Amy.

"That would be amazing Becs. Plus, your apartment is surprisingly warmer than the place I was at." Chloe was so excited for their night together, even if it was platonic.


After watching movies together for most of the night, both girls agreed to head to bed.

They snuggled up under Beca's blankets, but kept a little distance between each other. They both wanted to break the distance, but were too scared of how much harder it would be when Chloe leaves.

They had been asleep for a couple hours, when Beca heard Chloe whisper something.

"What, Chlo?" She said, still half asleep.

"I'm cold. I take back what I said about your apartment being warm."

Beca didn't say anything. She just scooted closer to Chloe, who was now turned facing Beca.

Beca had pulled Chloe in close to her, but neither had said anything. They just stared into each other's blue eyes.



"I don't think I could ever just be your friend."

A little smirk crept up on Beca's face. She loved when she could get Chloe to spill all her feelings like this.

"And why is that, Chlo?" Beca asked while reaching her hands further up Chloe's back.

"Because you look this good. And feel even better. And I haven't been able to be truly happy without you in my life. Because I love you. I really do. I never stopped." Chloe said this in a sporadic-ramble of words, just like she always did when she was nervous.

"All you had to say was you love me," Beca teased.

"You're such a jer–"

Beca pulled Chloe in for a kiss, stopping whatever "strictly platonic" thing they had going on that day.

"Are you warming up?" Beca was now tangling herself between Chloe's legs and arms as if she would slip away if they separated.

"You always make me feel warm," Chloe said with a smile. She always knew how to make Beca uncomfortable, and she loved it.

"You're so weird... I love you Chlo."

The girls fell asleep in their cuddled up position, never wanting the sun to come up.

Chloe could get used to this cold and snowy weather.

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