The Fight

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This is my first ever time writing on here so sorry if the format is weird or if it doesn't sound the best!!

This takes place during the PP2 timeframe but doesn't really follow the plot :)

Beca and Chloe have been hooking up now for about a month, but it's a secret. Recently there's been tension because Chloe wants to make them public and Beca's not ready.

"I just don't understand why we can't at least tell the Bellas," Chloe said. Beca could see her face getting red and knew her eyes would be watering any second. Seeing Chloe like that was Beca's weakness.

"It's complicated Chlo... I don't know."

"Why? Why is it always such an indirect answer with you?" Chloe had tears forming in her eyes at this point and her voice was shaky with frustration.

"You don't think I want to show you off? I want you to be my girl Chloe. I don't understand why I can't show it."

"Well what the fuck am I supposed to do with that, Mitchell?" Beca could hear the defeat in Chloe's voice, and she just wanted to wrap her up in a hug.

It was silent as the girls both sat on the edge of Beca's bed. She shared a room with Amy, but all the Bellas were out at a party. Beca and Chloe were supposed to go too until Beca backed out. Chloe stayed behind because she had a feeling it was something to do with them being seen together.

Beca finally got the courage to speak up.

"Chloe I don't know what to say anymore. I push people away all the time you know th–"

Chloe interrupted sounding more upset than Beca had ever heard her be. She had stopped crying by this point and was pure anger. "Fucking why? Enlighten me. Because it seems like you only push me away in public. Are you embarrassed or something?"

"No I'm not embarrassed. Far from it... I- I think I love you." Beca's face immediately turned bright red. She had been keeping her cool all night, but saying those words scared her more than anything.

"Shit." That was exactly what Chloe wanted to hear, but now she was the one who couldn't express it.

"Great. Now you probably think I'm the biggest freak. I'm sorry I said that. Shit."

Chloe was silent. She wanted to say it back. She wanted the world to hear it. But something was holding her back.

Beca started crying. She barely cries, Chloe knows that.

"I'm so fucking stupid," Beca mumbled through her tears.

Chloe still couldn't muster up the courage to say anything, so she reached over and touched Beca's hand. She slowly traced her hand up Beca's arm and reached around to her back.

Beca tingled at Chloe's touch, but stayed stiff while she tried to hold back more tears. That wasn't going to stop Chloe from trying to comfort her.

Chloe scoots closer, still rubbing Beca's back. Now that they're sitting thigh-to-thigh, Chloe places her hand on Beca's thigh just below her skirt.


"Shh. Just relax," Chloe said softly with a wink.

Chloe's hand fumbled with Beca's skirt, and  her head was inching further into the crook of Beca's neck.

"Fuck Chlo. This sucks. I can't do this." Beca said these words, but Chloe could feel her start to loosen up and give in.

"If you really want me to stop I will. Just tell me now."

"Don't stop Chlo, I want you." Beca had placed her hands on Chloe at this point, and could care less about what had happened earlier that night.

Chloe cupped Beca's cheek with her hand and tilted it so they were looking in each others eyes. Chloe leant in for a kiss and Beca didn't hesitate with kissing back.

Soon they were back to their normal selves, letting lust take over. Chloe started to undress Beca, since she had already taken her own clothes off the second she had a chance.

"Fuck me Beale. I need you." Beca said while breathing heavy. She could never resist Chloe in these moments.

Chloe pinned her down on the bed and they started to fuck for what felt like the best they had ever before. Maybe it was because Beca's feelings were finally out, or maybe it was because Chloe was trying to express how she felt. It didn't matter... Chloe felt like she finally had her Beca.

"Mhm. I forgot how good you feel." Both girls were laying under the covers now, Chloe staring at Beca.

"Chloe we hooked up last night."

Chloe jokingly rolled her eyes. "Guess what Mitchell?"

"Hm?" Beca clearly was starting to get her feelings of embarrassment back from earlier.

"I love you. I love you I love you I love you. More than you could ever know. I have since the day we met."

"Shit. Now I'm the one saying 'shit'." Beca couldn't hide the smirk creeping up on her face.

"Do you hate me?"

"Did you miss the whole reason we started fighting? I couldn't let us be public until I knew we were more than just a hook up. Until I knew you felt the same about me as I do about you. Of course I don't hate you." Beca kissed her on the cheek.

"God, I love Beca Mitchell." She broke out into one of her Chloe smiles. The same way she did in the shower when Beca first came to Barden. Beca loved that smile.

They fell asleep cuddled up in Beca's bed. Finally, Beca was Chloe's and Chloe was Beca's.

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