Why Rush?

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It was after their senior year ICCAs, and Beca and Chloe could not be more excited about their win. The Bellas had pulled off their 4th win in a row, and it was also the last competition for both girls. Like after every other competition, the Bellas went out to their favorite pizza shop on campus, Lorenzos. After sharing lots of laughter and even more pizza, the Bellas headed back to their house. The high of their win was starting to wear off, and the girls were all ready for bed by the time their Uber reached the house.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to bed!" Cynthia said as they walked in.

"Agreed." Stacie followed.

"Well I'm making popcorn for a movie if anyone wants to join!" Amy chimed in.

Beca looked to Chloe to try and make out what she was thinking. Beca really didn't have the energy to stay up for a movie, but she also wanted to be with Chloe. It was a monumental night for them, and she couldn't think of spending it any other way.

"You ready to go up, Becs?" Chloe asked, as if she could read Beca's mind.

"Sure. We'll see you in the morning, Ames." Beca said before heading upstairs.

Chloe opened up the door to their room and threw her things on the bed.

"I'm beat!" The redhead said, flopping onto the rug between their beds.

"Me too. And stuffed." Beca giggled, joining her on the rug.

"I can't believe this is the end." Chloe said, turning her head to face Beca.

"I know. At least we won't lose each other. Just the singing." Beca said, still staring at the ceiling.

They sat like that for a long time not saying anything. Chloe studied Beca's face as it stayed glued to the ceiling. She watched as the brunette softly chewed on her lip, and how her eyes would flutter from exhaustion.

"What's on your mind?" Chloe eventually said.

"Hm?" Beca finally turned to face Chloe.

The energy between them had shifted. Somehow in the minutes of silence, there was a strange tension neither of them could pinpoint.

"I can always tell when you're thinking, but I never can tell what. So you tell me." Chloe said.

"I can't say it." Beca said quietly while shifting her gaze back to the ceiling.

"Why not? You tell me everything, Beca." Chloe said, scooting closer to Beca.

"This is different." She mumbled.

And it was different. Beca realized she couldn't keep her eyes away from the ceiling without falling into Chloe's. She could barely manage being this close to Chloe because the once-comforting warmth of her skin was now tempting. Every time Chloe spoke, an irresistible waft of her cherry lip gloss filled Beca's nose.

"What if you don't tell me and you regret it?" Chloe said. She held Beca's arm in her hands, begging like a little kid.

Beca turned to face Chloe once again. She wanted to say what she was feeling so bad, but she couldn't. Just looking at Chloe practically put her in a coma. So they just stared at each other. This time Beca could tell Chloe was beginning to feel the same tension. She noticed how her wide eyes softened, and her touch became more gingerly.

Beca let her eyes fall shut periodically, trying to shake these feelings away. It's not that she didn't want to feel them, she just knew she shouldn't. Chloe was her best friend, not anything more. Before she could dwell on it any longer, Chloe began to nod her head closer. Their eyes were locked with one another, and Chloe tilted her chin so that it brushed Beca's. She scooted herself up slightly so that their lips were just centimeters apart. Chloe slowly and cautiously leaned in further to kiss Beca. Chloe pulled away after the initial kiss. To her surprise, Beca was completely calm. She didn't mess things up entirely.

"Is this ok?" Chloe whispered.

Beca nodded, and Chloe let her lips collide once more with Beca. This time she climbed on top of the younger girl, letting her passion take over the kiss. They laid like that on the rug for what felt like forever, neither one wanting their lips to separate. Chloe's hand wandered down to Beca's waistband. She pulled it out far enough to slide her fingers just past the elastic.

"Wait." Beca said, touching Chloe's wrist. The redhead quickly aborted her plans and pulled her hand out.

"I'm sorr–" Chloe said.

"Don't be. I want that, trust me. But I also want to take this slow." Beca explained, giving Chloe a kiss on the cheek.

"Ok." Chloe said with a smile.

"Why rush something that's going to last a long time, right?" Beca said, smirking.

"You're going to make this so hard." Chloe teased before letting her lips fall back into the rhythm with Beca's.

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