Forget About It

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This one-shot isn't the happiest, but there is some smut towards the end/middle of it! Hope you enjoy :)

Ps. I love Chloe, this story just makes her out to be kind of shitty so sorry if you're a Chloe fan!

Chloe was a chaser. She always had a goal, and once she reached it she was on to the next pursuit. This tended to be why Chloe was always bouncing around relationships in college, she viewed them as a goal.

Beca was different. She let things flow around her and let in those who let themselves in. It was hard for her to get close to people, but there were a few exceptions. One being Chloe.

At initiation night, Beca stood alone watching the crowd. That was until Chloe ran up to her.

"Hi!" She said as she grabbed Beca's wrists. Chloe pulled her in so their faces were inches apart. "I'm so glad you joined the Bellas."

"Yeah. Should be fun." Beca immediately thought Chloe was a little nutty, but for some reason it didn't bother her too much. She brushed it off.

The next day, Bellas rehearsals started at 10am. It was 10:05 though, and Beca didn't show. Chloe went to go find her, against Aubrey's orders.

*knock knock*

"Hm?" Beca said unenthusiastically from her bed.

*knock knock*

"What?" Beca sounded annoyed by this point. She hated when people interrupted her sleep.

Chloe's only hope was to barge in, so she did.

"Hey, you're late for Bellas rehearsals. Aubrey's a little pissed but I can cover for you." Chloe sat down on the bed, unaware of any personal space.

"Shit. Sorry. I must've slept through my alarm, can you cover?" As much as it didn't seem like it, Beca really did care about being a part of this group. Especially if it meant her dad would help her move to LA.

"No problem! I'll wait with you and we can walk together, that way Aubrey won't yell as much." Chloe knew it wouldn't make too much of a difference either way, but it was an excuse to spend time with Beca.

"Um. Ok." Beca was still shut off to Chloe, but tolerated her more than most even though they just met.

Beca grabbed her things and went to the bathroom. Chloe wished she would have just changed right there, but she wasn't going to say anything. She could tell she was pushing it by even waiting.

Beca walked back in. "Could you help me with this necklace? I wear it everyday but the clasp just came undone when I was brushing my hair."

"Sure!" Even though it was small, Chloe felt like she was breaking down Beca's walls.

Chloe gathered all of Beca's hair and swept it to one side. She reached her arms around Beca to grab the ends of the necklace, and brought them around the back. Chloe loved how intimate it felt, even if it was just a little gesture.

Beca spun back around. "Thanks." She let out a small and awkward smile. That was a big step in itself.

"Ok we should get going we're like 45 minutes late." Chloe grabbed Beca's wrist and led them out the door.

On the walk there, they strategized what to say to Aubrey. They settled on Beca having a meeting with the Dean regarding one of her classes.

Practice went by fast and Aubrey didn't get too mad, so it went pretty well for Beca. Chloe tried to be Beca's mentor in just about every activity, and Beca could tell.

Bechloe/Sendrick One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora