The Cruise

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Beca's POV! This got a little long and it's just random fluff for the most part lol

If I could describe Chloe in one word it would be "optimistic." I've never met someone with so much confidence that everything will work out. For example, she was the one who somehow knew the Bellas would make a comeback when I first joined freshman year. Last year, she had mono a week before the ICCA's, and she was sure she'd be ready to sing anyways. Another thing she loves to be optimistic about is contests. Those stupid, rigged radio station giveaways and random surveys are her favorite thing. I would never say it to her face, but I don't know how she still has so much hope in winning when she hasn't had any success. Until today...

"Beca!" Chloe shouted from the kitchen.

I was in the living room working on our new set, so I ignored her. I just pretended I couldn't hear her through my headphones.

"Beca Mitchell get over here!" She yelled again.

I figured it was important enough for me to get up, so I headed into the kitchen. I needed something to drink, anyways.

"What's up, Chlo?" I asked, grabbing a soda from the fridge.

Before I could take a sip, Chloe grabbed the can. She took a big gulp and made an exaggerated "ahh" sound afterward.

"Sure, you can have a sip." I teased.

"Just needed to lubricate my throat before telling you the best news ever." Chloe said.

"First of all, never say 'lubricate my throat' again. What's the good news though?" I asked.

"Pack your bags because you and I are headed to an all inclusive cruise in the Bahamas!" She exclaimed.

"What? No way!"

"Yes way. I won it on one of those radio show contests that you hate. Bet you don't hate it now!"

"When do we leave?" I asked, ignoring her dig at me.

"Two days. So, finish up whatever school stuff you have going on asap. We'll be gone for a full week!"

"This is awesome, Chlo." I said.

She pulled me in for a hug, even though I hate them. I wasn't even mad though, we were going to the Bahamas!

Two days later...

"You ready, Becs?"

"Just throwing in a couple more things." I said, throwing in one more bottle of sunscreen. If there's one thing I don't do on this trip it's going to be get sunburned.

"Becs, it's all inclusive! What more do you need?" Chloe said.

"I think that means unlimited tequila, not everything." I teased.

"Well, our Uber is here. Zip up your suitcase and don't worry about forgetting stuff!" Chloe exclaimed.

There was that optimism again. I can't lie, I don't always hate it.

Once we got to the airport, Chloe dragged me through to our gate. I hate the airport, mainly because of all of the people, but being with Chloe helps. Once we landed in Florida, another Uber took us to the ship.

"Look at this, Becs! This thing is huge!" Chloe said, looking at the boat in awe.

"I know. Let's go check in so we can actually get on!"

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