Chapter 4: The secret

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(Really big trigger warning: Homophobia, angst, mentions of suicide, And Language/cursing. Please be aware...)


I woke up early today and Alice was already awake and greeted me I found wan unopened water bottle on the counter and started to drink it. "Julia had already left. Oh and the Nike cabin wants to murder your guts. Be prepared" Alice told me making me spit out my water. What in the hades did I do to them? "What? I didn't do anything to them though-"

"Really? They said you stole a trophy from them." 

"That was Travis!" 

"Well they thought it was you. You have to solve that out or they will make sure your 6 feet underneath the ground and send your ass to lord hades" 

"Well shit"

Now I have another thing added to my list. We got prank fellow demigods and now make peace with the Nike cabin. The worst part is I'm not the best at negotiating, no I'm horrible at it actually. 

I did my daily things. Brush my teeth, shower and lay back on my bed waiting for Travis to wake up. 

On the other hand I could make my life easier and wake him up... but that'll put too much effort.  But I also want to prank the Athena cabin. But I also need to make peace. Screw it, I'm waking Travis up 

I climbed the bunk bed. Travis was hiding under the covers lightly snoring. I tried to shake him to awake. He wouldn't wake up so I took the covers off of him and hit him with a pillow he had at the edge of his bed. Thankfully, That managed to wake him up. 

"Connor what the fuck!" 

"Oops, well, I'm in trouble because of you so you need to sort that out!" 

"What do you mean?"

"The Nike cabin thinks I stole their trophy when you did. Go tell them YOU did and not ME!" 

"Just say sorry and then run!" 

"I'm not good with people"

"What am I going to do with you?"

"That's your problem" I stuck my tongue out

I jumped off the ladder. He groaned as he climbed down. Once he got down he looked through the pile of stuff we stole from different cabins to find a coffee machine? He plopped one of those coffee tube things that you put in so the coffee becomes coffee instead of hot water. I watched him pour milk from a mini fridge into the cup turning it immediately turned into this rich wheat color. "How often do you do this?" I asked 

"Whenever I wake up before 9:30" he said. He picked up the cup and took a sip. "Want some?" I didn't really want coffee. I don't drink coffee often if I must be honest. "No" 

"I was having a sweet dream of making out with Katie till you woke me up" he said. I didn't need to know he had that dream of Katie. "I didn't want to know that. And that my friend is why I'm staying single" 

He rolled his eyes finishing his coffee. We walked  to Thalia's tree to plan out prank. Travis kept making lovey eyes to Katie that I had to snap my fingers to get his attention. "Travis. Stay focused" he turned to me looking annoyed 

"Bitch" he told me

"Asshole" he looked offended even though not even 2 seconds ago he called me a bitch

"That's mean" 

"Travis! You just called me a bitch! Whatever just stay focused. Gods, if this is how love is then I don't want any of it"

"You'll find someone one day little bro"

"Just stay focused!" 

"Fine fine. What does the Athena cabin hate?"

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