Chapter 30 - Kindred Spirit

Start from the beginning

I looked into his eyes, silently begging for him to let go, wondering what had happened for him to act like this.
But all he met me with was pure hatred.
He slowly leaned in closer to the bars, holding my gaze the entire time.
Once he was finally close enough, I stopped struggling, wondering what he was doing.
We stayed there for a moment, silent as we took in each other's expressions.
That was, until Sebastian finally spoke, letting his words out with a piercing scream down my ear.
I woke up to the sound of my ears ringing, as though the dream had actually occurred.
But in my mind, it may as well have.
It was far too real for me.
As I tried looking around the room, I noticed that my vision was blurred, accompanied by my heavy breathing as I struggled to catch up to my heart as it pounded out of my chest.

I need to see Sebastian.
I need to see him.
I need to see him now.

It was the only thing swirling in my mind as I clumsily got out of bed, not caring about a single thing as I used the walls to guide me out of the room and down to our common room.
As I got there, I noticed other students walking around, the light from the windows indicating that it was morning.
But I couldn't make out a single face, their voices all muffled as my heartbeat echoed in my ears.
I heard a few people snigger and say something about pyjamas, which undoubtedly was about me, but I was too far to care now.
I just needed to find him.
I needed to know he was okay.

"Emerald? What are you doing?"
I recognised the voice as a familiar figure approached.
Imelda was walking towards me, concern gracing her features as she got closer, grabbing me in an attempt to steady me.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Sebastian..." was all I managed to get out, my voice strained as I struggled to speak through the shallow breaths.
Thankfully, that seemed to be enough for her as she let me go, walking away quickly as though she knew what to do.
I waited for a moment, hoping with all my heart that he would come back in her place.
But instead, I was met with another familiar face.
"What's wrong? Was it another dream?" Ominis asked as he approached, completely worried as he grabbed my arm.
"I need... Sebastian." I tried to explain best I could, but every second I wasn't breathing felt like I was suffocating.

Ominis nodded thoughtfully, understanding the pain in my voice.
"I'll bring you to him." he said reassuringly.
He quickly put away his wand, before taking off his robe, quickly draping it over me and fastening it.
I was thankful for the action, not wanting the whole school to see me this way, but I couldn't even begin to utter it, too focused on staying upright.
Once he was done, he quickly whipped out his wand, grabbing my hand before leading the way out of the common room.

I couldn't even begin to think about where we were going, my eyes glued to the floor as I focused on putting one foot in front of the other.
The lack of air was beginning to make me feel lightheaded, and I questioned if I would even make it to him in time.
Maybe going to the Hospital Wing would have been a better idea.
"Just a bit further, Em." Ominis encouraged, sensing my lag as he dragged me along.
I didn't say anything, I just pushed myself along.
Knowing that I'd see him soon was enough to keep me going.

Not long after, we finally stopped, and I heard the familiar sound of the undercroft entrance opening, before Ominis dragged me inside.
Once we were inside, everything was quiet, the sound of students chattering and running to class was replaced by crackling flames and hushed voices of the people in here.
I couldn't make out the voices at first, but I could tell there were a few.

"Sebastian!" Ominis cried out, his voice breaking whatever peace remained here, hushing the voices.
I peeked around Ominis as we stopped, just wanting to see him.
When I did, I saw that the others were all sitting on the floor, looking at us.
Natty and Poppy were sitting near Blaine, and it clicked that they were probably here all night, explaining things to him.
I looked to the side of them, and my eyes widened.

Sebastian was leaning on the pillar next to them, but as he saw us both, he pushed himself away from it, walking forward with concern on his face.
At the sight of him, I let go of Ominis' hand, strength coming back to me as I propelled myself forward.
I ran straight to him, and without another thought, I slammed my body into him and wrapped my arms around him tightly, nearly knocking him over.
And just like that, I felt like I could finally breathe again.

"Wow... hey... you're okay..." he soothed, wrapping his arms around me and rubbing my back as he held me even closer, if that was even possible.
The feeling of his heartbeat against my cheek was like a lullaby, calming me down.
His heat was so nice after feeling so cold, having pyjamas and a robe on wasn't exactly winter attire.
And the feeling of those dementors hadn't helped either.

"What happened?" Sebastian asked, his voice seeming distant, which made me think he was talking to someone else.
"I don't know. Imelda found her like that in the common room, she just keeps saying your name." Ominis answered, still seeming shaken by the whole thing.
I felt bad for worrying him like that.

It was quiet after that, Sebastian continuing to hold me tightly as the others probably didn't know what to do.
"Can you guys give us a moment?" Sebastian finally said.
It was silent again before I heard the sound of rustling and footsteps, indicating that the others had silently agreed.

Even after we heard the sound of the undercroft closing behind them, Sebastian still just held me silently, resting his head on top of mine as he stopped rubbing my back, both arms around me now as he swayed side to side, as though he were rocking me.
"Was it another dream?" he finally asked, his voice barely a whisper.
"Sort of..." I whispered.
I honestly didn't know what it was.
This felt like an overreaction when I thought about it properly.
But it felt too real.

"What does that mean?" he wondered softly, unsure whether or not he should push the matter.
"It was a dream, but it wasn't Isidora's doing... it was just a pure nightmare..." I admitted, reliving it in my head, tightening my arms around him in an attempt to remember it wasn't real.
That he was here with me.

"About your family?" he asked, but I shook my head.
"No..." I trailed off as I debated whether or not to tell him.
But I knew I needed to.
I had promised him no more secrets.
"It was about you..."

He paused for a moment, like he was contemplating how to react.
He let out a soft chuckle.
"Doesn't sound like a nightmare to me."
I let a laugh escape my lips, not expecting the sudden joke.
It felt like forever since he had said something like that.
It was nice.

I pulled away so I could see his face, a smile resting on his face, like he was proud of himself for making me laugh.
But as he saw my face drop, he became concerned.
I took a deep breath, before telling him what had happened.
"You were in Azkaban, Sebastian. You attacked me through the bars. You screamed at me for leaving you there. Just seeing you there... you looked so tired... so broken. And you looked at me with such hate... it made me realise what could have been, if Ominis and I had..."
I began to tear up at the thought, but I was interrupted as he let go of me, bringing his hands to my face so I could look at him.

My eyes widened as I saw his expression.
He gave me a kind smile, one that showed me how much he cared, how he would never hurt me.
The look in his eyes was completely different from that in the dream.
This Sebastian would never hurt me like that.

"I am thankful everyday that you and Ominis gave me a second chance, to make up for everything that I did. But even if you hadn't, even if you had decided that was what was best, I could never hate you, Em. You are my kindred spirit afterall."
I smiled at this, believing every word he said.
He let go of my face and I went back to hugging him, silently thanking him as a blissful smile covered my face.
I felt him wrap his arms around me again, followed by a kiss on the top of my head, as though he knew what I was trying to say.
After that, we just stayed there, safe in each other's arms.

Echoes of Emotion (Sebastian Sallow x OC)Where stories live. Discover now