The Final Fight Part 3

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Barry tackles him and holds him down, he begins to yell as lightning shoots off him, it's running down his arms hitting Jason, But it's not hurting Jason, it's giving him more power, Jason takes a deep inhale as he feels the power coursing threw his veins, he smiles as his eyes and lightning begin to turn White and Orange, Jason begins shooting lightning off his body and it starts going all over Barry, Barry begins to yell in pain and falls back, allowing Jason to get back up, Barry screams in agony, Jason walks up to Barry and punches Barry in the face, Sending a loud thoom, it echoes threw out the field, Knocking Barry out, Jason then says "Sorry Barry.. But this how it has to end.. Goodbye Barry, I'll miss you all." A tear falls from Jason's face, but he wipe his face and turns around, Thawne is still there just, watching. Jason then slowly begins to walk towards him, it's now dark, the only light is the moon and they're lightning, Thawne runs at Jason, but this is the fastest he's ever seen Thawne go, Thawne hits Jason making him fall to the ground, Thawne then stops, and turns around, "Tachyon's, a Speedsters best friend, enhances one's speed" Thawne says as he smiles, He then begins doing a speed mirage, creating hundreds of himself, Jason doesn't know which one he is, they begins to all walk towards him with a phasing hand, Jason runs at them and punches them all trying to find the real Thawne, But his hand keeps going threw each one, in reality Thawne's main point is behind Jason, Just then as Jason is finna hit another one, they all disappear in a blink of an eye, just then Jason is hit in the back of the head, he falls and Thawne picks him up and runs towards the the tree's and throws Jason into them, Making one of them break in half, Jason yells in agony, Some of the branches fall off and hit Jason making more giant cuts in his suit, making his skin vulnerable, as more fall down they hit him and some stab and scratch his skin, he yells as Thawne slowly walks up to Barry, Barry is still unconscious, Thawne says, "I could just kill you.. Right now.." As he takes his phasing hand slowly towards Barry's chest, He yanks away and says, "But that wouldn't be good enough, for me anyway" As he laughs, He looks at Barry as Jason's screams are heard in the background, just then it goes silent, so silent not even the grass is moving, there's no wind, just complete silence.. Thawne then has a chill run down his body, he hears Jason begin to yell, He can see a bright light shining past him, He slowly turns around and he see's Jason, getting lifted by his lighting, He see's the multiple gashes on Jason begin to heal almost immediately, Jason looks at Thawne as Thawne looks at Jason, in fear Thawne doesn't want to move, Jason then say's with a distorted voice as he stares down at Thawne, "Tonight, You die Thawne." Jason drops to the ground and the ground cracks again, but on a bigger scale this time, sending dust, rocks and dirt flying everywhere, He then speeds at Thawne and grabs him by the throat, Making his lightning lift him up again, He throws Thawne down and he slams into the ground, Thawne yells in pain, as he gasp for air, Jason slams into Thawne's body destroying the Tachyon Enhancer behind his Symbol, Jason picks Thawne up and rips his cowl off, "Your gonna pay FOR EVERYTHING YOU DID THAWNE ALL THE PAIN AND SUFFERING YOU MADE ME GO THROUGH" Jason yells in anger, Thawne says with a soft voice with the sound of pain in it, "You can't kill me.. You might be fast but you only killed the others because you knew they were just fake, not the real me so it didn't matter, you won't do it." Jason stares him in the eyes, "But I will Thawne.. Im not Barry, I'm not the Flash, Maybe I was never a hero at all, But I do know I'm saving my friends and this world by killing you Thawne, At least the team will remember me, good or bad, they'll know who saved them in the end, The Phantom" Jason then grabs Thawne by the shoulders, Lightning shoots off Jason shooting all around them as they both yell, they're screams echoing threw the fields, Just then Wally runs up and see's Barry slowly getting up, Barry turns around and see's what's happening and yells, "JASON NO!!" Just then Wally runs at Barry and grabs him, The lightning begins to expand ripping the ground apart, Destroying the entire area, Wally running as fast as he can with the lightning right behind him, He keeps running but then he hears "THOOOOM" So loud it shook the ground, Making him lose balance and fall, Barry and Wally tumble and roll, they both get up quickly and Wally looks at Barry, Barry looks, normal "You okay Barry?" Wally asks hesitantly, Barry looks at Wally and says, "Yeah.. I think so..." Barry looks back where Jason was and see's nothing but darkness and destruction, Barry runs to where Jason and Thawne were, He looks down and see's half of Thawne's cowl, he looks to the side and see's half a chest piece of Jason's suit with the emblem still on it, half of it burnt, A spark of white lightning shoots off it, then nothing.. Barry drops down onto his knees and grabs the chest piece, He then begins to cry for his fallen friend, and for the fallen hero who saved him and the world

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