The Plan begins Part 3

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Jason looks around and Wally's not there, Jason runs off and tries to find Wally, But he can't see him anywhere, He runs back to Star Labs, He's breathing heavily, his hearing muffled, his chest feels tight, it's hard to breathe, He's having a panic attack, Jason runs off to get air, but he's running fast, very fast, He runs so fast that a portal opens in front of him, he shoots threw it, but now somethings different.. He runs to Star Labs and searches the the building and he see's,

 He runs to Star Labs and searches the the building and he see's,

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Jason then takes off his cowl and says, "BARRY?! IRIS, CISCO RALPH CAITLYNN, WALLY?!?! I'M SO GLAD YOUR ALL ALIVE" Iris then says, "And who are you?" Barry then speeds Jason into the pipeline, and locks him in a cell, "Barry?? W-What are you doing...

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Jason then takes off his cowl and says, "BARRY?! IRIS, CISCO RALPH CAITLYNN, WALLY?!?! I'M SO GLAD YOUR ALL ALIVE" Iris then says, "And who are you?" Barry then speeds Jason into the pipeline, and locks him in a cell, "Barry?? W-What are you doing Barry? WE'RE FRIENDS" Barry then says, "I barley know you Jason, I noticed when Thawne came you were gone, I suspected either he took you or you were a speedster, like me, then I heard you helped some officers with some bank robbers, and I knew it had to be you, now I'm right, but why do you get hired, when Thawne attacks?" Jason looks at Barry confused and says, "What are you talking about Barry, yes I have speed, I was hired before his attack, but I'm not affiliated with Thawne, My speed activated when he ran at me" Barry looks at him, suspicious of him, Jason then says, "How are you okay, I watched you get hit with that wave and then you killed Thawne's copy and tried to kill me, you were filled with rage Barry, and how is Iris alive, and the others.. I watched them die by Thawne's hands, then Wally vanished after Thawne attacked, I tried to find him but then a portal opened and I was here, and everyones okay, I don't know what happening Barry" Barry's face drops, "What are you talking about Jason.." Jason says "I was running, portal, then bam here" Barry's face drops and he say's, "Your from the Future.." Jason say's loudly "I'm from the future?!" Barry then unlocks the cell and let's Jason out, "Thank you Barry.." Barry and Jason run to the Cortex, Barry runs everyone from that moment to the cortex of Star Labs, Barry then says, "Now I know what your all thinking, but hear Jason out" Jason Begins to say, "Hello I'm Jason Bent, Today is Wednesday, the day Iris will be killed by Thawne..along with the whole team. Also the the same day Thawne's copy hits Barry with a wave basically like a rage wave, It made Barry full of rage, he killed the copy then tried to kill me but I locked Barry in the pipeline, then I went threw all your computer systems to try and find everyone affiliated with the flash, the best I could find is you all, so I brought you all there to help, but Thawne ran in and slaughtered everyone.. I wasn't fast enough to save any of you..and I'm so sorry for that.." Barry then says, "Guys we need to help, if this is true we might not be so lucky that Jason can travel in the past again, and if he can't team flash will be dead, and I will destroy the world, especially if I'm acting how he's saying I am, We need to start on a plan right now." They all immediately start working on a solution, Jason then says, "I read that one meta that you went against in the past and recently came back, could make them full of hate, and everyone in the bank tried to kill each other, could Thawne be working with him or have done something worse and now able to use his powers as a weapon for his own?" Barry says "I don't know, until we actually know we could just be wasting time with that, but I'll have Cisco and Chester get on it" Barry then walks over to Chester and Cisco, "Hey Jason has an idea that Thawne used Rainbow Raiders powers somehow and that's how he made me full of rage, so can you both see if you can find anything about that, see if its possible?" They shake their heads in agreement then walk away to get started, Jason then says, "Barry I'd get your suit on just incase, Thawne can come in at any moment" Barry takes out a ring and puts it on,

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