The Plan Begins Part 2

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Jason is spiraling, He doesn't know what to do, he goes to the computer and starts speed typing, he searches the entire computer and learns about most of he stuff that's happened in the last fee years and everyone affiliated with Flash, He then runs off and brings back Cisco, Caitlyn, Ralph and Wally.

Jason is spiraling, He doesn't know what to do, he goes to the computer and starts speed typing, he searches the entire computer and learns about most of he stuff that's happened in the last fee years and everyone affiliated with Flash, He then ru...

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They all look at each other in confusion as Cisco looks up at a monitor, showing Barry in the pipeline going insane in his cell, Cisco says, "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HIM" Jason then enters the room at super speed, "GUYS!, NOW YOU DON'T KNOW ME Y...

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They all look at each other in confusion as Cisco looks up at a monitor, showing Barry in the pipeline going insane in his cell, Cisco says, "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HIM" Jason then enters the room at super speed, "GUYS!, NOW YOU DON'T KNOW ME YET I'M A NEW MEMBER OF TEAM FLASH, We we're fighting Reverse Flash and a copy of his came in and hit Barry with some sorta wave, and then Barry started going crazy, He killed the copy then tried killing me, I trapped him in the pipeline but I don't know what to do, I need your guy's help, please." He says super fast, Cisco doesn't question him at all and immediately starts to search for something to help Barry, Ralph says, "Why did Thawne do this? He must have some sorta plan, he always does" Jason shakes his head in agreement and says, "Yes, he told me I got in the way of his plans when he first tried fighting Barry, that's the same moment my speed activated, I'm pretty sure he tried getting Barry to follow him to do what he did, but Barry didn't follow, so he killed Iris, making him angry enough to go in blind at him, making him get hit with the wave, to potentially destroy everything and everyone he loves, by his hands.." The others all go silent and look at Jason, Caitlyn says, "Did you just say Iris is dead.." Jason shakes is head in agreement, they all begin to tear up, We then hear a "What.." Jason turns around and see's Wally, looking him dead in the eyes, as he starts to tear up Wally speeds into his suit,

"WALLY, NO!" They all yell, Wally runs off at super speed, Jason runs after him, he catches up and yells, "WALLY TURN AROUND, DON'T RUN IN BLINDED BY ANGER, THAT'S HOW BARRY ENDED UP LIKE THIS, STOP WALLY PLEASE" Wally looks at him as tears slowly...

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"WALLY, NO!" They all yell, Wally runs off at super speed, Jason runs after him, he catches up and yells, "WALLY TURN AROUND, DON'T RUN IN BLINDED BY ANGER, THAT'S HOW BARRY ENDED UP LIKE THIS, STOP WALLY PLEASE" Wally looks at him as tears slowly run down his face, he looks forward, then stops, Jason stops as soon as he does, "I wanna kill him.. I wanna kill him so bad" Wally says, Jason looks down and says, "I know Wally, I do to, but Barry told me I was apart of something greater, that I was apart of the speed force now, you are to Wally, with us together we'll stop Thawne, once and for all and get Barry back." Wally begins to break down, Jason says, "Come on Wally, get up, for Iris, let's stop this monster together." He then puts out his hand for Wally to grab, Wally grabs his hand and Jason lifts him up, They run back to Star Labs, and the others sigh in relief, "What the hell Wally, you can't just run off like that" Cisco says, Wally looks at Cisco but then Jason says, "Cisco stop, I told him, he knows, I know what happened with your brother, you'd do the same thing" Cisco then says "Don't you ever. Talk about my brother like you know me alright." Caitlyn interrupts and says, "Alright guys, let's get this moving stop acting like children" The others scoff and Cisco begins to work again as Jason just looks at the monitor, watching Barry, "That's not gonna hold him forever you know, especially if he's filled with rage.. I'm surprised he isn't out yet, maybe that means Barry's still in there, we need to hurry." Ralph says from behind him, Jason then says, "I know.. It's all my fault.. I couldn't save him fast enough.. It's all my fault Ralph.." Ralph walks in closer and says, "No, it's not your fault, Thawne always does this stuff, and we always come out on top, we got this." Jason then looks down and says, "Maybe.." Caitlyn walks up and asks, "What's your name by the way?" Jason looks up at her "Jason, Jason Bent I work as a Homicide Detective at the CCPD" Caitlyn then says, "Oh cool well, nice to meet you Jason, I'm Caitlyn but you probably already know that, by the fact you've called everyone here by they're name" Jason laughs and says, "Yes, when I first locked Barry up I ran into the cortex and searched the computer systems, found y'all on there so I brought you all here" Caitlyn then says "Oh okay, but where's the others? Joe, Cecile, Allegra, Chester?" Jason looks down and says, "Chester, um, Thawne killed him as well.. He was layed down on the floor just like Iris no wounds, just like they collapsed.. I took him to the hospital, but when I was getting you all, I went back after dropping Wally off here, and he was dead.." They again all get silent, "We're gonna end this once and for all." Cisco says from the background, Just then Reverse Flash runs in and kills Ralph, Jason runs at Thawne, Thawne is finna kill Caitlyn, he does and Jason wasn't fast enough to stop him, Thawne then runs at Cisco, but Jason tackles him, Jason then begins to speed punch Thawne in the face, thawne generates lightning in his hand and punches Jason with it, Jason gets flown off, and Thawne runs at Cisco and says, "You know, in some ways, you were like a son to me" and phases his hand threw Cisco

" Cisco says from the background, Just then Reverse Flash runs in and kills Ralph, Jason runs at Thawne, Thawne is finna kill Caitlyn, he does and Jason wasn't fast enough to stop him, Thawne then runs at Cisco, but Jason tackles him, Jason then b...

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Jason yells, "NOOOO!!!" Thawne runs out and leaves Jason surrounded by the body's of his newly found friends..

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