Chapter 41 : Lucky

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Rajveer watched in fond exasperation as Samaira took a spoon of chaat. He couldn't believe how easily she had coaxed him to give in and let her eat from a roadside stall. But he had not agreed right away. At her persistence, he had inspected the plates and food and when he was satisfied that it was hygienic, only then he had allowed her to.

“Mmmm... this tastes awesome Raj!” - she moaned, her eyes closed.

He bit his lip as his mind took a total different lane which couldn't be classified as innocent by any means.

“Try some naaa...” - she whined and held out a spoonful close to his mouth.

He sighed and ate but to his surprise, the chaat actually tasted yummy.

“Told you!” - she said smugly at his expressions and he chuckled.

After she finished eating, he moved forward to pay and asked her to wait near the car. She leaned against the bonet and watched in amusement as the stallman argued with Rajveer that he doesn't have a change and was not agreeing on keeping the change as well. But her smile suddenly disappeared when she spotted a small red light, like a dot, on Rajveer's temple.

Her heart sank.

Living with him for a year, she knew what it was. She rushed forward and held his forearm to pull him away. It was just in time before the bullet passed by but in the process, her arm was injured.

“Samaira!” - he shouted, his heart beating wildly as he saw blood rapidly oozing out of her left arm.

He looked up from where the bullet had come but only found a car quickly driving off. He turned his focus back to Samaira and picked her up in his arms and placed her on the passenger seat.

“Please... please stay awake.”

His voice was trembling just like his hands as he secured his handkerchief around her arm to somewhat stop the flow of blood.

But her eyes were drooping. Loss of blood in such a fragile state was not suiting her and she felt herself losing consciousness. He quickly sat in the car and drove at an insanely high speed upto the hospital. Carrying her in his arms again, he ran inside. Two ward boys ran towards him with a stretcher and he gently placed Samaira on it.

“Call your best doctors!” - he ordered but they were stopped at the reception.

“I am sorry Sir but you can't take her in before filling this-”

Rajveer pulled out his gun from the holster and pointed at the receptionist's forehead.

“Your f*cking formalities can wait but my Samaira can't! If anything happened to her or my baby, you will not live to fill any more forms!”

The receptionist had beads of sweat on her forehead and with shivering hands, she picked the receiver and called the doctors to inform them of the emergency. The ward boys took the stretcher to the emergency ward and moments later, doctors entered as well.

“Mr. Shekhawat ?” - one of the doctors recognized him at once.

Rajveer didn't remember where they had met or he had done the doctor some favours. Nor he was interested to remember at that moment. His only concern was Samaira.

“My wife...” - he said to the doctor, gulping.

The doctor smiled and patted his arm. “She will be fine.” - he said before entering the emergency.

‘She should be.’ - Rajveer thought, his throat constricting.

He pulled out his phone and called Liam.



Samaira squinted as she opened her eyes and the bright light hit her vision. Before she could analyze her surroundings, she felt her left hand being squeezed.

“Samaira...” - Rajveer whispered and she turned her head to look at him.

Her eyes roamed on his face hungrily, making sure was he okay. And relief flooded her system upon finding him safe and sound.

At least, physically.

Emotionally, he looked torn and the tears rolling down his cheeks were prove enough. Her heart pained at the sight. She had never seen him crying. Not even once.

“Oh Raj...” - she whispered comfortingly.

He kissed her hand that he was holding in his. His eyes fixated on her.

“Why ?” - he whisper-asked, his tone a mixture of hurt and anger.

She knew what he was asking. Why did she step forward to save him ? Why did she took his misery on herself ? Why did she not think about her condition ?

“I couldn't stay idle and watch you die Raj.” - she whispered, tears forming in her eyes.

She still remembered the day of the bomb blast in Delhi. Was aware of that dreadful feeling when he hadn't returned. How could she have just stayed there when she had the chance to save him ? Even if it had cost her her life, it had been worth it. But living a life without him wasn't.

He exhaled a long breath. “I was lucky that the bullet just passed by your arm else...” - he couldn't say further. The mere thought of anything happening to her was frightening.

She squeezed his hand, assuring him that everything was fine. That she was fine.

“It's my fault in the first place. I forced you to go on a drive and didn't let you take the guards along as well.” - she said sadly.

He shook his head firmly. “No love. It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself for it even for a second.” - he said softly, putting aside her hair from her face with his other hand.

She smiled. “I am lucky.” - she said, looking at him with love. It was clear she was considering herself lucky not just for the incident.

He smiled in return but his insides were burning.

‘You are lucky but the attackers won't be.’


Samaira was discharged from the hospital the next morning. She couldn't help but laugh as Rajveer was not letting her to walk. He carried her in his arms from the hospital to the car and upon reaching the palace, bent down to carry her again.

“I hope you know that the bullet passed by my arm and not feet.” - she teased, wrapping her arms around his neck as they entered the palace.

He gave her a look and she quickly wiped the grin off her face. But it returned again when she found her family in the main hall.

“Mairooo...” - Sonia cried out happily.

Rajveer laid her down on the sofa while her family surrounded her.

“God, how did it happen ?” - Yashwant asked, his forehead creased with worry.

Before Rajveer could say anything, she said :

“Street crime Dad. You know how much it has increased these days.”

Rajveer looked at her in surprise and she smiled in assurance. She had never disclosed to her family who he really was as she didn't want her family to hate him. They loved him as a son and she wanted to keep it that way.

“It's my fault actually. I was being stubborn to go on a drive and since it was late into the night, I didn't deem it right to disturb the guards. So...” - she trailed off with an apologetic smile.

Sonia and Yashwant chided her gently while Kavin and Anjana took her side. Natasha being Natasha, tortured her with her pile of questions.

But Rajveer had zoned out. The question, bugging him since the night before, arising in his mind again.

How did the attackers get to know that they were going out without protocol ?


Author's Note : We are nearing the climax of the story guys and this time, it's not a prank.

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