Chapter 37 : Old Friendship Reconciled ?

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Around 11, Samaira walked out of Kavin's office. Although she was not an employee of Sajawat anymore but was still the co-owner that is why he wanted her advice on an important contract. Besides, they had always worked side by side, so he jokingly warned her that he will bother her time and again for advices to which she agreed with a wholehearted laugh.

Considering there was time to lunch, she decided to say hello to her ex team before leaving to meet Rajveer. Crossing the hallway, she had just rounded a corner when she bumped into someone.

The smile vanished from her face when she saw who it was.

“What are you doing here ?” - she asked sternly looking at Vivek.

After all the fiasco of his kidnapping and truth revelation, not only Purohits cut all ties with Desais but he was kicked out of the company as well.

Then a thought suddenly struck her and her eyes widened. “Are you stalking me ?”

His eyes widened and he shook his head in denial. “No no no! That's not it. I just got to know that you have returned from your... honeymoon.” - he uttered the word like it hurt him doing so. “So I have been waiting outside of office since the past two days in hopes of meeting you.” - he said with a sad smile.

She crossed her arms, her face stony. “And may I ask why do you want to meet me ?”

“To explain everything to you.” - he said and she rolled her eyes.

“Save your breath as I'm not interested.” - she said and made to by pass him but he held her wrist, stopping her gently.

“Sam please... we are childhood friends! Give me ONE chance to explain...” - he said and she turned around in anger.

“That's what hurt the most Vivek. We were childhood friends and you disrespected that! You knew I didn't love you, you could have easily tell me that you're interested in someone else intead of cheating!” - she said, getting her wrist free from his hold. “Just for the shares of the company-”

“That's what I want to clarify! These are accusations Sam! Please let's sit somewhere and talk. PLEASE...” - he pleaded earnestly.

She stared at him for a long moment in a dilemma of whether to listen to him or not. She really was hurt the way he abused the pure bond of friendship but for the sake of it, she decided to listen to what he had to say.

“Fine.” - she sighed, making him smile.

They entered the cabin which had been hers and took seat on the couch.

“I know I did wrong Sam. I should not have lied that I love you. Should have told you that I love someone else. But trust me, I did tell my parents but my father flat out refused. He has always been so fond of you and since you are the daughter of his best friend, he clearly stated that you are the one to whom I'll get married.” - Vivek said. “So I tried to behave that way with you, to see you in that light but... couldn't.” - he sighed.

“But that's all Sam. All those accusations of shares in the company are false. Absolutely baseless! I can NEVER do that to you or anyone from your family. Rajveer-”

“Not a word against Rajveer!” - her sharp voice cut him off. “Be careful of what you speak of him.” - she cautioned, her expressions deadly.

He exhaled a long breath, rubbing his face. “I'm not speaking against him Sam. I'm just saying that he had it wrong that I was after your shares in Sajawat.”

She crossed her arms again. “And trying to burn down Rajveer's factory ? What explanation do you have for that ?” - she asked with a raised brow.

“It was silly of me I know but I was angry Sam! Because of him, I lost my job here, my father refused to even look at me, and above all, you and your family got hurt. I was not thinking straight and...” - he sighed frustratingly again. “It was wrong, I admit. And I have suffered six, well deserved, months in jail for that.” - he said and turned to her on the couch.

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